Are you a Realtor ?

Suggestions from an Appraiser.

Please take more photos of properties than you do now. Appraisers rely upon comparable sales to determine present day value. The more information an appraiser has about a possible comparable sale - both text written info & photos, the better job the appraiser can do, to determine the condition of the recently sold property and what it has for renovations & extras as contrasted with the subject property being appraised. It's understood that some property owners, refuse to allow interior photos to be posted on MLS, which is of course perfectly fine. What it does however, for most appraisers, is either generate the question of "what is wrong inside that property if there are no photos?" or at the very least, since the appraiser cannot see the interior condition of the property, it will not be used as a comparable in any appraisal.

Take photos of the back yard or back of the house from as far back as possible, to allow an appraiser to see what is in the back yard. Most back yard photos on MLS data sheets are "of" the back yard from the deck or patio, which is great, that is necessary. But for the appraiser to see the "size" of the deck or patio, a photo from the back fence (in an urban setting) or 30-40 feet back (in a rural setting) from the house would be very helpful to allow an appraiser to see all of the assets in the back yard of any property.