
Articles & Papers

Unpublished Recent Papers

Ergodic theory and probability theory

Dynamic games

Markovian Persuasion,  Dynamic Persuasion 

Repeated Games with Imperfect Monitoring

Repeated games with incomplete information

Epsilon-Consistent Equilibrium

Repeated Games with Differential Time Preferences

Markov Decision Problems (MDP)

Bounded recall

Dynamic programming

Rational learning and merging

Mediated talk -- cheap talk through a channel

Approachability, No-regret strategies, Attainability (vector-payoff games)


Cooperative games (static, dynamic, fuzzy, with externalities)

Banzhaf value

Simple games

Cooperative games with externalities

Dynamic cooperative games

Fuzzy cooperative games

Extendability and market games

Joint games

Sandwich games

Set-valued games

Value of information

Information structures

The concave integral, Integral for capacities, set-valued capacities

Partially-specified probability

Decision theory

Interactive epistemology and common priors

Exchange economy: ranking and bargaining 

Screening, Reward schemes

Macro models


Miscellaneous (Social choice, Voluntary bargaining, Categorization, Commitment folk theorem, Equilibrium payoffs)