


Chung-Kim, Esther. Economics of Faith: Reforming Poor Relief in Early Modern Europe. New York: Oxford University Press, 2021.

ABSTRACT- This book examines the role of Reformation leaders in poverty alleviation through preaching on Christian love, establishing poor relief in church laws, advocating for fair wages, collecting funds from donors, sharing resources with the needy, supporting religious refugees, finding scholarships for poor students, and serving hospitals and schools.

Main sections of the book include the following:

  • Lutheran reform and poor relief: Johannes Bugenhagen on Organization and Funding

  • Swiss reform and poor relief: Heinrich Bullinger on Church Property and Unemployment

  • Calvinist reform and poor relief: John Calvin on Religious Refugees and Discipline

  • Radical reform and poor relief: Anabaptists on Communal Property


Chung-Kim, Esther. Comentário Bíblico de Reforma: Atos. Translation of the 2014 Reformation Commentary into Portuguese by Paulo José Benício (São Paulo: Cultura Cristã, 2016)

O Comentário Bíblico da Reforma é uma coleção em vinte e oito volumes que trazem os pensamentos da Reforma para a igreja contemporânea. Traduzidos e organizados por estudiosos reconhecidos internacionalmente, nas áreas de História e Teologia da Reforma, esses volumes reúnem comentários exegéticos e teológicos sobre todo o cânon bíblico feitos por uma grande variedade de pensadores e figuras da era da Reforma, recuperados para renovar a igreja hoje. A Reforma foi um chamado para o retorno com renovado vigor às raízes bíblicas da fé cristã. No livro de Atos, os Reformadores encontraram promessas do próprio Deus sobre o que Cristo ressuscitado faria na igreja e por meio dela, bem como o seu modelo de como a igreja deve participar na realização de seus propósitos no mundo. As abordagens da Reforma aos relatos da Igreja Primitiva no livro de Atos são ricas e diversificadas. Comentaristas como João Calvino e Heinrich Bullinger tendiam a desenvolver as implicações teológicas do texto com uma grande quantidade de detalhes históricos. Outros, como Johann Eck – com mentalidade reformadora – referiram-se a episódios de Atos em resposta a questões de sua época. Mensagens do poeta inglês John Donne ou do pastor luterano alemão Johan Spangenberger destacaram personagens notáveis em Atos, como Pedro, Estevão, Paulo, Lídia e Apolo como exemplo de fé robusta e de vida na comunidade cristã. Anabatistas como Pedro Walpot focalizaram em seus trabalhos apologéticos a necessidade do batismo dos crentes e a propriedade compartilhada como intrínsecos ao caráter espiritual do Corpo de Cristo. Neste volume, Esther Chung-Kim e Todd R. Hains reuniram o melhor dessa diversidade de autores, convicções e gêneros para apresentar um quadro vívido de respostas da era da Reforma à questão da fidelidade contemporânea da igreja à sua identidade e chamado divinos. A revolução bíblica do século 16 foi um evento explosivo que abalou os fundamentos da igreja e chamou todos os cristãos ad fo .


Chung-Kim, Esther and Hains, Todd. Reformation Commentary on Scripture: Acts of the Apostles in the Reformation. Commentary Series, Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Academic Press, 2014.

EXCERPT from the Introduction - For many Protestants, Luther and Calvin are exegetical and theological iconoclasts, smashing the husks of tradition against the Scriptural rock. However, upon closer inspection, the reformers appear to have been quite fond of a particular sort of tradition and quite cool toward another sort. Luther changed relatively little of the Latin Mass’s medieval liturgy when he translated it into German. Calvin appealed to the church fathers to counter accusations of innovation, depicting the Reformed church as a restored and faithful heir of the early church. Balthasar Hubmaier assured his accusers that he too knelt in prayer and still rang bells for worship. These men along with the majority of their colleagues continued to affirm the perpetual virginity of Mary. Of course, the reformers in unison rejected papal and even conciliar decisions as de facto authoritatively binding. They discarded the somewhat younger tradition of transubstantiation (declared as dogma by Lateran IV in 1215), and—most famously—they desired to cast purgatory, indulgences and the treasury of merit headlong into the abyss.


Chung-Kim, Esther. Inventing Authority: Use of the Church Fathers in Reformation Debates over the Eucharist. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2011.

ABSTRACT - In this book, I argue that Lutheran and Calvinist writers used the church fathers as secondary authorities to compete for legitimacy in the Holy Roman Empire. The significance of this book is that it contributes a new theory to the study of the Reformation. While many have already written about what Luther, Calvin, Zwingli and other reformers said, very little has been done to explain on what basis of authority these reformers could speak and expect to be heard. The ability to be heard depended on the reformers’ ability to re-imagine church history in a way that would give ancestral roots to the Protestant tradition. This effort emerged most notably in the debates over the Eucharist or Holy Communion, which revealed the divisions over sacramental theology, anthropology, and Christology. As challengers to standard orthodoxy of the late medieval and early modern period, Protestants sought to establish their religious authority by going back to its historical roots and reinterpreting the past. What was at stake was the definition of Christian orthodoxy and the authority to decide that orthodoxy, which did not simply divide Protestants from Catholics (as is commonly thought) but divided Protestants themselves.