
(Some references on "predicting popularity of web content", in chronological order, send us an email to if you want to add more to this page.)

Tatar, A., Leguay, J., Antoniadis, P., Limbourg, A., de Amorim, M. D., and Fdida, S. Predicting the popularity of online articles based on user comments. In Proc. of WIMS, ACM (2011).

Brody, T., Harnad, S., and Carr, L. Earlier web usage statistics as predictors of later citation impact: Research articles. J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol. 57, 8 (June 2006), 1060-1072

Lee, J. G., Moon, S., and Salamatian, K. An approach to model and predict the popularity of online contents with explanatory factors. In IEEE Conference on Web Intelligence (2010)

Lerman, K., and Hogg, T. Using a model of social dynamics to predict popularity of news. In Proc. of WWW , ACM (2010), 621-630

Kim, S.-D., Kim, S.-H., and Cho, H.-G. Predicting the virtual temperature of Web-Blog articles as a measurement tool for online popularity. In Computer and Information Technology (CIT), 2011 IEEE 11th International Conference on , IEEE (Aug. 2011), 449-454

Yu, B., Chen, M., and Kwok, L. Toward predicting popularity of social marketing messages. In Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling and Prediction , J. Salerno, S. J. Yang, D. Nau, and S. K. Chai, Eds., vol. 6589 of LNCS , Springer (2011), 317-324.

Lakkaraju, H., and Ajmera, J. Attention prediction on social media brand pages. In Proc. of CIKM , ACM (2011), 2157-2160.

Szabo, G., and Huberman, B. A. Predicting the popularity of online content. Communications of the ACM 53 , 8 (Aug. 2010), 80-88

Bandari, R., Asur, S., and Huberman, B. A. The pulse of news in social media: Forecasting popularity. Feb. 2012

Ruan, Y., Purohit, H., Fuhry, D., Parthasarathy, S., and Sheth, A. Prediction of topic volume on twitter. In WebSci (short papers) (2012)

Pinto, H., Almeida, J. M., and Goncalves, M. A. Using early view patterns to predict the popularity of YouTube videos. In Proc. of WSDM , ACM (2013), 365-374

Chen, G. H., Nikolov, S., Shah, D. A Latent Source Model for Nonparametric Time Series Classification. In Proc. of NIPS 2013.

Ahmed, M., Spagna, S., Huici, F., and Niccolini, S. A peek into the future: predicting the evolution of popularity in user generated content. In Proc. WSDM 2013, 607-616

Castillo, C., El-Haddad, M., Pfeffer, J., and Stempeck, M. Characterizing the life cycle of online news stories using social media reactions. In Proc. CSCW 2014.