Seminar Schedule

Planetarians' Zoom Seminars

...are usually on the last Friday of the month at 11am or 2 pm Pacific Time. The seminars are recorded and archived. For connection URL, see the Zoom Online Seminar page. If you would like to do a presentation at a seminar, please contact Planetarium Zoom Seminar (PZS) Coordinator, Rosemary Walling <rosemary{~at}>, with the following: 

1. Possible date(s) for your presentation
2. A catchy Title
3. A brief Description
4. A brief Bio (who you are, where you work, 1-3 sentences)

Young Moon, 2.4% illuminated. Photo by Rich Ozer.

Upcoming Planetarians' Zoom Seminars

Dates and times subject to alteration depending on availability of presenters.