About Sarah

Sarah Antine works as the director of the Deborah Lerner Gross Jewish Cultural Arts Center. She has an MFA from Hunter College, has taught in the English departments at Hunter College and Montgomery College. She has published poems in various literary outlets, such as Lilith Magazine, PMS: poem memoir story,, Big City Lit, and Bridges: Journal of Jewish Feminist Writing, The Mom Egg: Vox Mom, Poetica, The Journal, Elohi Gadugi, The Ekphrastic Review, Light Ekphrasis, The Ekphrastic Poetry Journal, the anthology: Torah: A Women's Commentary and upcoming in Consequence Forum. Her work investigates Biblical narratives and Visual Art to create In 2017, she won third prize in the Anna Davidson Rosenberg Poetry Contest. She has performed poetry at the Cleveland Public Theater and at Busboys & Poets. She received a Creativity Grant from the Maryland State Arts Council in 2021 and created a poetry event on exclusion & inclusion. The event included two deaf poets, Evon Black and Fred Beam as well as International poetry slam champion, Gayle Danley.