Divine Wings Touched

In the beginning,

in the deep waters of God’s word, 

before the Voice 

that commanded the grace of light 

was heard,

when the pressing waves clashed within the dark deep,

when heaven’s mind was heavy

and it’s heart could not leap,

and the atoms erupted in wild spin upon the cosmic skin,

the Spirit of God soothed the quantum storms 

with a private touch of grace.

Divine wings touched

the world’s face.

And now that the night is quiet and dark, 

before the midnight war,

before the final spark,

that hidden grace is my breath

when I cannot breathe...

a whisper to my soul

that it cannot leave.

I feel that dark water grace

dropping like tears upon my face,

and I trust God 

even when I am unable to think.

When I have no gravity at all

and am in a space between worlds

even there I can trust God.

When I am not myself

I can trust God.

When pain is my only emotion

I can trust God.

When every river is dry,

when every mountain is falling,

when the sun fills the whole sky,

I can trust God.

When I am so alone in my soul

that prison seems like liberty to me,

I can trust God.

God called me out of the pit of nothingness

and raised me up with life.

His breath replaced the fear within me.

He himself replaced my strife.

He raised me up

to stand in his presence.

My prayer is my only thought.

My gratitude is my only incense. 

When I am dead,

I can trust God.

He will hold me in his right hand

or in His left hand.

What He will do is good and new.

I will rest in him

and wait for what he will do.

I can trust God.

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