About Me

My name is Robert, and I live in East Tennessee with my wife, two (college) kids and one (mostly) moved along.  My profession lies in the field of radiological physics, but I've spent a good bit of my career programming/automating systems and software.  I created this site in 2010 to share some scripts I had started working on related to automating "online" ofx statements for Microsoft Money, and have been maintaining since that time.

Coffee fund

I've received the occasional request to "give a tip" during the course of working on these scripts.  I don't intend to earn anything for my efforts, except the satisfaction of sharing & helping.  I don't have time to debug and troubleshoot all the potential issues that users may run across, and being "paid" creates a sense of obligation.  Nonetheless, to address the desire by some folks to buy me a cup of coffee, so to speak, I added the option somewhere along the way.  Again, I don't expect anything, and anything provided on this site is free.  I'm not a "non profit", or anything of that sort, so tips aren't a "donation".  At best, it would be a cup or two of tasty coffee (please don't tip more than that!).

- Robert


Learn all about copyright law at the official www.copyright.gov site.  In short, "Copyright protection subsists from the time the work is created in fixed form. The copyright in the work of authorship immediately becomes the property of the author who created the work. Only the author or those deriving their rights through the author can rightfully claim copyright."