

PhD from:

Niels Bohr Institute

Postdoc stops:

DESY theory group


University of Cologne

University of Luxembourg

INRIA, Nancy

Research Scientist:

University of Luxembourg

Visiting researcher:

Polish Academy of Sciences

Since 2015 I have being working on security and cryptography. My main research topics are

Classical Cryptography:

  • E-Voting, Password-Authenticated Key Exchange, Blockchains and smart contracts, DNA, Homomorphic Encryption, Zero-Knowledge Proofs

Post-Quantum Cryptography:

  • Key exchange, secure protocols, efficient side-channel resistant implementations

Quantum Cryptography:

  • Quantum Key Distribution, security modelling

Here are my publications.

Before 2015 my research was in the area of string theory and the wide range of topics that it touches upon, e.g. black holes, supersymmetric gauge theories and conformal field theories.

String theory is the most promising candidate for solving the profound problem of a unified consistent theory of quantum gravity. Strings moving in a given space span a two-dimensional surface and are described by a specific conformal field theory living on this so-called world-sheet. Such conformal theories are the main subject of my research.

You can find further info on string theory on the String Theory Wiki.