charge transfer

Contributed by Ramon Crehuet for pDynamo version 1.7.2.

The code on this page is available here.


The Marcus theory allows the evaluation of the rate of charge transfer (CT) between two molecules or two fragments of the same molecule, under certain circumstances (the so-called temperature activated, non-adiabatic limit). This theory and its subsequent generalizations have found several applications, both in biological and in materials science contexts. One important ingredient of the CT rate expression is the so-called "transfer integral" ( tij ) between orbital i on one molecule and orbital j on the other molecule. Typically, these would be the two HOMOs (for transfer of positively charged "holes") or the two LUMOs (for transfer of negatively charge electrons). The "reorganization energy" and the "site energy difference" between the two molecules are two other important ingredients, which however will not concern us here.

The aim of this section is to show how to compute the CT transfer integrals with pDynamo, using a pair of ethylene molecules as a simple example. Among many possible strategies, I have chosen the dimer projection (DIPRO) method described by Baumeier, Kirkpatrick and Andrienko (PCCP 2010, 12, 11103), which is approximate but has the advantage of being quite simple. A very similar method had also been described earlier, by Bredas and coworkers (JACS 2006, 128, 9882). It can be applied to both semiempirical and ab initio Hamiltonians (with some restrictions on the latter, due to limitations of the DFT code within pDynamo 1.7.2 which should be remedied soon). Time and space limitations do not allow a discussion of this approach. Those interested in the details should consult the original BKA paper. Here I use the "no counterpoise" version of the DIPRO method, whereby the input to the calculation is represented by the molecular orbitals of the two neutral, isolated molecules and of their supramolecular complex.

The code examples in this section also demonstrate how to extract and manipulate some pDynamo arrays, which in this case contain the AO overlap matrix and the molecular orbital coefficients (two matrices or 2D arrays) and the orbitals energies (a vector or 1D array) of a QC system. Note that the AO overalp matrix is unity in the MNDO approximation, whereas it is a general symmetric matrix in the ab initio case.

Extracting orbitals and orbital energies

The code below should be almost self-explanatory:

from pCore import Clone

from pBabel import XYZFile_ToSystem

from pMolecule import ElectronicState, QCModelMNDO, QCModelDFT

from pMoleculeScripts import ConjugateGradientMinimize_SystemGeometry

doOptimize = True

qcmodel = [ QCModelMNDO( "am1", isSpinRestricted = True, keepOrbitalData = True ) , \

QCModelDFT( functional = "blyp", orbitalBasis = "631gs", isSpinRestricted = True, keepOrbitalData = True ) ]

for qc in qcmodel:

mol1 = XYZFile_ToSystem( "" )

mol1.DefineQCModel( qc )

mol1.Summary ( "Summary for molecule 1" )

energy1 = mol1.Energy ( doGradients = True )

if doOptimize:

xyz1 = Clone( mol1.coordinates3 )

ConjugateGradientMinimize_SystemGeometry( mol1, logFrequency=10, maximumIterations=200, rmsGradientTolerance=1.0 )

mol1.coordinates3.Superimpose( xyz1 )

rms1 = xyz1.RMSDeviation( mol1.coordinates3 )

energy1 = mol1.Energy()

(eps1, homo1, lumo1) = mol1.energyModel.qcModel.OrbitalEnergies( mol1.configuration )

eps1.Print( title = "Orbital Energies" )

mos1 = mol1.energyModel.qcModel.Orbitals( mol1.configuration )

mos1.Print( title = "Orbitals" )

Note: using pDynamo-1.7.2, this program runs smoothly for the semiempirical part, but it fails in the DFT part. The reason is that extracting DFT orbitals had not yet been implemented, yet. I have been able to run the code thanks to a patch, which should become available to everyone with the next release of pDynamo.

Charge transfer calculation: driver program

from pCore import Clone, YAMLPickle, YAMLUnpickle, Real2DArray, Real1DArray, SymmetricMatrix

from pBabel import XYZFile_ToSystem

from pMolecule import QCModelMNDO, QCModelDFT

from pMoleculeScripts import MergeByAtom, ConjugateGradientMinimize_SystemGeometry

from TM import TransferMatrix

rhf = QCModelMNDO ( "rm1", isSpinRestricted = True, keepOrbitalData=True )

#dft = QCModelDFT ( functional = "lda", orbitalBasis = "sto3g", isSpinRestricted = True, keepOrbitalData=True )

# . Molecule 1

mol1 = XYZFile_ToSystem( "" )

mol1.DefineQCModel( rhf )

energy1 = mol1.Energy ( doGradients = True )

YAMLPickle( "Ethylene1.yaml", mol1 )

(eps1, homo1, lumo1) = mol1.energyModel.qcModel.OrbitalEnergies( mol1.configuration )

print "HOMO and LUMO indexes for 1:", homo1, lumo1

eps1.Print( title = "Orbital Energies for 1" )

mos1 = mol1.energyModel.qcModel.Orbitals( mol1.configuration )

mos1[ : , homo1 ].Print( title = "HOMO Orbital for 1" )

mos1[ : , lumo1 ].Print( title = "LUMO Orbital for 1" )

# . Molecule 2

mol2 = XYZFile_ToSystem( "" )

mol2.DefineQCModel( rhf )

energy2 = mol2.Energy ( doGradients = True )

YAMLPickle( "Ethylene2.yaml", mol2 )

(eps2, homo2, lumo2) = mol2.energyModel.qcModel.OrbitalEnergies( mol2.configuration )

print "HOMO and LUMO indexes for 2:", homo2, lumo2

eps2.Print( title = "Orbital Energies for 2" )

mos2 = mol2.energyModel.qcModel.Orbitals( mol2.configuration )

mos2[ : , homo2 ].Print( title = "HOMO Orbital for 2" )

mos2[ : , lumo2 ].Print( title = "LUMO Orbital for 2" )

# . Dimer (molecule 1 + molecule 2)

dimer = MergeByAtom( mol1, mol2 )

dimer.DefineQCModel( rhf )

energy12 = dimer.Energy ( doGradients = True )

YAMLPickle( "EthyleneDimer.yaml", dimer )

(eps12, homo12, lumo12) = dimer.energyModel.qcModel.OrbitalEnergies( dimer.configuration )

print "HOMO and LUMO indexes for dimer:", homo12, lumo12

eps12.Print( title = "Orbital Energies for dimer" )

mos12 = dimer.energyModel.qcModel.Orbitals( dimer.configuration )

interEnergy = energy12 - energy1 - energy2

print "Interaction Energy=", interEnergy

# . The calculation of CT Hamiltonian involves a symmetric (Lowdin) orthogonalization of the overlap matrix between

# . orbitals of the two fragments.

S = Clone ( dimer.configuration.qcState.overlap )

# . The real calculation is carried out by the TransferMatrix function

( Hh, Hl ) = TransferMatrix(mos1, homo1, lumo1, mos2, homo2, lumo2, mos12, eps12, S)

Hh.Print ( title = "HOMO-HOMO effective Hamiltonian for hole+ transport" )

Hl.Print ( title = "LUMO-LUMO effective Hamiltonian for elec- transport" )

Charge transfer calculation: the TransferMatrix function

from pCore import Real1DArray, Real2DArray, SymmetricMatrix


def TransferMatrix(mos1, homo1, lumo1, mos2, homo2, lumo2, mos12, eps12, S):

"""Returns the effective Hamiltonian matrices for hole (homo-homo) and electron (lumo-lumo) transfer

Energies are in eV.


if (not mos1.isSquare or not mos2.isSquare or not mos12.isSquare):

return None

n1 = mos1.rows

n2 = mos2.rows

n12 = mos12.rows

if ( n1+n2 != n12 ):

return None

vec1 = Real2DArray(n12,n12)

vec2 = Real2DArray(n12,n12)

mos1.CopyTo( vec1[ :n1 , :n1 ] )

mos2.CopyTo( vec2[ n1: , n1: ] )

homo2 += n1

lumo2 += n1

vec1[ : , homo1 ].Print( title = "0-padded HOMO orbital for 1" )

vec1[ : , lumo1 ].Print( title = "0-padded LUMO orbital for 1" )

vec2[ : , homo2 ].Print( title = "0-padded HOMO orbital for 2" )

vec2[ : , lumo2 ].Print( title = "0-padded LUMO orbital for 2" )

temp = Real1DArray(n12)

gamma1h = Real1DArray(n12)

gamma1l = Real1DArray(n12)

gamma2h = Real1DArray(n12)

gamma2l = Real1DArray(n12)

# . Evaluate the HOMO1-HOMO2 and LUMO1-LUMO2 overlaps and the gamma vectors (for HOMO1, HOMO2, LUMO1, LUMO2)

if (S is None):

# . MNDO case: the AO overlap matrix S is the identity

print "S is None (MNDO case)"

Shh = vec1[ : , homo1 ].Dot( vec2[ : , homo2 ] )

Sll = vec1[ : , lumo1 ].Dot( vec2[ : , lumo2 ] )

print "HOMO1-HOMO2 Overlap = ", Shh

print "LUMO2-LUMO2 Overlap = ", Sll

mos12.VectorMultiply( vec1[ : , homo1 ], gamma1h, transpose = True )

mos12.VectorMultiply( vec1[ : , lumo1 ], gamma1l, transpose = True )

mos12.VectorMultiply( vec2[ : , homo2 ], gamma2h, transpose = True )

mos12.VectorMultiply( vec2[ : , lumo2 ], gamma2l, transpose = True )


# . Ab initio DFT case: the AO overlap matrix S is not the identity

print "S isn't None (DFT case)"

S.VectorMultiply( vec2[ : , homo2 ] , temp )

Shh = vec1[ : , homo1 ].Dot( temp )

S.VectorMultiply( vec2[ : , lumo2 ] , temp )

Sll = vec1[ : , lumo1 ].Dot( temp )

print "HOMO1-HOMO2 Overlap = ", Shh

print "LUMO2-LUMO2 Overlap = ", Sll

S.VectorMultiply( vec1[ : , homo1 ] , temp )

mos12.VectorMultiply( temp, gamma1h, transpose = True )

S.VectorMultiply( vec1[ : , lumo1 ] , temp )

mos12.VectorMultiply( temp, gamma1l, transpose = True )

S.VectorMultiply( vec2[ : , homo2 ] , temp )

mos12.VectorMultiply( temp, gamma2h, transpose = True )

S.VectorMultiply( vec2[ : , lumo2 ] , temp )

mos12.VectorMultiply( temp, gamma2l, transpose = True )

# . HOMO1-HOMO2 matrix elements (before orthogonalization)

gamma1h.CopyTo( temp )

temp.Multiply( eps12 )

Eh11 = gamma1h.Dot( temp )

Eh12 = gamma2h.Dot( temp )

gamma2h.CopyTo( temp )

temp.Multiply( eps12 )

Eh22 = gamma2h.Dot( temp )

# . HOMO1-HOMO2 effective Hamiltonian matrix (after orthogonalization)

Hh = SymmetricMatrix(2)

norm = 1.0 - Shh**2

Hh[0,0] = 0.5 * ( Eh11+Eh22 - 2*Eh12*Shh + (Eh11-Eh22)*norm**0.5 ) / norm

Hh[1,1] = 0.5 * ( Eh11+Eh22 - 2*Eh12*Shh - (Eh11-Eh22)*norm**0.5 ) / norm

Hh[0,1] = ( Eh12 - 0.5*(Eh11+Eh22)*Shh ) / norm


# . LUMO1-LUMO2 matrix elements (before orthogonalization)

gamma1l.CopyTo( temp )

temp.Multiply( eps12 )

El11 = gamma1l.Dot( temp )

El12 = gamma2l.Dot( temp )

gamma2l.CopyTo( temp )

temp.Multiply( eps12 )

El22 = gamma2l.Dot( temp )

# . LUMO1-LUMO1 effective Hamiltonian matrix (after orthogonalization)

Hl = SymmetricMatrix(2)

norm = 1.0 - Sll**2

Hl[0,0] = 0.5 * ( El11+El22 - 2*El12*Sll + (El11-El22)*norm**0.5 ) / norm

Hl[1,1] = 0.5 * ( El11+El22 - 2*El12*Sll - (El11-El22)*norm**0.5 ) / norm

Hl[0,1] = ( El12 - 0.5*(El11+El22)*Sll ) / norm


# . Finished

return ( Hh, Hl )

This is the part of the code which really implements the DIPRO method by BKA. As can be seen, it can be cast in terms of a few matrix-matrix and matrix-vector multiplications.