Grant Proposals and Institutional Communications

My versatile writing skills enable me to craft effective grant proposals, reports, annual appeals, fact sheets, newsletters, news releases, and other documents for nonprofit organizations. I have extensive experience with foundation, corporate, and government funding proposals, including the New York City Administration for Children's Services and the New York State Office of Children and Family Services. I have also written employee newsletters and handbooks explaining benefits and policies. The same creativity I bring to my fiction writing can help me find innovative ways of communicating an organization's message. However, I also bring to my grant writing the essential but often-neglected skill of following directions. When the funder wants it boring and conventional, I can do that, too. (Grant writer's mantra: the funder is always right!)

Some organizations find it more economical to use a freelancer on an ad hoc basis than to hire an in-house grant writer. Others use my services intermittently to take advantage of special funding opportunities beyond the capacity of in-house staff, or to deal with a staff member's medical leave.

Funders have commended my proposals and reports for excellent writing and thorough coverage of pertinent information. A proposal that I wrote (anonymously, of course) is included in the Grantseeker's Guide to Winning Proposals. See to read the funder's comments and download the proposal.

Please contact me at p a u l i n e j a l a m a [at] v e r i z o n [dot] n e t for more information on my freelance writing services.