Manuela Berlingeri

I am a PSYCHOLOGIST (MSc) with specific background in NEUROPSYCHOLOGY, but also a BIOSTATISTICIAN (MSc) and a COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENTIST (PhD). This multidisciplinary education gave me the chance to develop a strong expertise in the field of cognitive neuroscience, experimental psychology, neuropsychology and in the analysis of neuroimaging data (MRI & fMRI) .

My research interests range from the study of compensatory processes and self-awareness in healthy and in pathological aging, to the study of the neural basis of memory, reading processes and lexical-semantic dissociations

(see the list of publications).

During the last year I also started some exciting methodological projects

(you can find more details on MY NEW WEBSITE, FEEL FREE TO HAVE A LOOK:

  • The first project is called CLU-B: a toolbox to perform metanalysis of neuroimaging data by means of an optimized hierarchical clustering algorithm (developped by Isabella Cattinelli during her PhD). This is an ambitious project and it is conducted in collaboration with Alberto Borghese (Department of Computer Science, University of Milano), with Riccardo Borgoni (Department of Economics Management and Statistics, University of Milano-Bicocca) and with Marcello Gallucci (Department of Psychology, University of Milano-Bicocca).

  • The second project aims at developing a new methodological approach to create optimized neurofunctional networks by integrating an empirical bayesian approach to graph theory. This project is conducted in collaboration with Piero Quatto (Department of Economics Management and Statistics, University of Milano-Bicocca) and with Agnese Maria Di Brisco (a PhD student in statistics at the Department of Economics Management and Statistics, University of Milano-Bicocca).

List of Publications

International Conferences

Curriculum Vitae (ITA)