1. Astronomy Page

(Chart below provided by I.O.T.A)

All astrophotos by D. Slauson - click each image to enlarge

Asteroid occultation, April, 2009.  The resulting data from the collaborators revealed a profile of asteroid and previously-unknown multiplicity of the covered star. A paper appeared in the Journal of Double Star Observations, Oct., 2012

Great Cluster in Hercules, Messier 13, July, 2009

Planetary nebula Messier 27, July, 2009

Messier 15, July, 2009

Mars, November, 2005


A chart showing the motion of the asteroid (3) Juno across the sky in the constellation Hydra (The finest tick marks indicate motion in one hour intervals)

 Saturn, June 6, 2016



The Crab Nebula, Messier 1



The edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 891 in Andromeda

NGC 2261 or "Hubble's Variable Nebula" in Monoceros

Nebula illuminated by the variable star R Monocerotis, shining at the southern tip of the nebula. Rapidly-moving dark patches in the nebula are caused by shadows from dark material orbiting the star

Messier 78 in Orion with other surrounding bright and dark nebulae

Short timescale (3-hour) light curve of dwarf nova V1159 Orionis. Large-scale undulations are due to the orbit of the binary components of this cataclysmic variable system

Waning crescent moon

Founded 1986