

(download binary. Also: download source, view doc, or see the Doom9 thread)

Sashimi is a raw file loader/writer plugin for AVISynth. The license is GPLv2.

I needed a raw reader that allowed file and frame headers once, so I wrote one. I've spun it out to be fairly complete now. View the documentation for more information, and for the picture credits, and see the official thread for discussion and feedback.

Just in case of a need:

    • Version 0.81beta binary, and source (includes binary)

    • Version 0.75 binary, and source (includes binary)


(download, or view doc)

ParameterisedBlend allows you to blend any number of frames within a clip, or blend any number of different clips together in AVISynth.

You can use it as an extended, gamma-aware replacement for Merge().

The license is GPLv2.



Just to get started more quickly, this is a well-structured starting point for creating an AVISynth plugin.



As included with Sashimi. This Windows executable opens the given AVISynth script (*.avs file) and runs through it, requesting every frame. Useful for scripts which write output as they process frames.

The license is GPLv2.


I helped to create the iOS app Disparity. Click here for my page about it.

GLDirect - 3D Gaming Driver

(download) I updated the open-source GLDirect to address a bug. The original is at SourceForge, project by Keith Harrison who is SiO2 there: I've been in touch with him, the source will be updated in time.

I've also added usage instructions and documentation. See here for more info.