Early Stereo Photos

My first digital camera had a side-by-side stereo gimmick, similar to how many cameras have an assisted panorama mode. After that, for no particular reason, I started taking many stereo photos... but never did anything much with them! I'm talking about 7 years of occasionally taking stereo photos without ever looking to see how any turned out. I only just recently (December 2009) had StereoPhotoMaker recommended to me, which made the fine-alignment and matching of all of these even possible. It can align them for you, colour-match them, and display them side-by-side or as an anaglyph (you know - red/blue glasses?) or for a 3D display. All of the photos in the slideshow below are eye-crossers. A couple turned out quite well I think (the rest are okay but not great I know - I've already weeded out the not-very-good-at-all ones). It's an interest now, and I'll take more in the future.Here's a PW3D link.

The album with my early photos, as below, is here.