The Pantheon of New Gods

The Variables


God of Creation, God of Life, God of Time, God of the New Gods

Gast was the firstborn of the New Gods. He is responsible for the events that led to the Riot of the Heavens. He established the new Pantheon on Gastron, creating the planet solely for a dwelling place for the New Gods. Gast's powers are tremendous and practically limitless. He claims responsibility for the creation of Orthe and her citizens, as well as setting the universe into motion.

Gast spends all of his time on Gastron, taking joy in the things he's created. He also spends quite a bit of time gambling and playing games with the other gods.

The Oracles of Gast are garbed in tempered metal, from their feet to their heads. Their faces are hidden behind heavy masks that are only removed in the privacy of their own homes.


God of Fire and Passion

From Orthe's mythos, Rone is said to be Gast's younger brother. He, like the other New Gods, was Seeded before the Riot, and grew up under the tutelage of the Old Gods. Rone led many lesser minions in the Riot, using their aid as a first assault on the Old Gods. Once the new Pantheon was establish he was made second in command.

Rone's insatiable appetite and the burning in his soul has often driven him to find pleasure among the inhabitants of Orthe. He spends most of his time on Gastron, but is thought to be interested in the people of Orthe.

The Oracles of Rone have singed clothing, stained with smoke and ash. Many of the priests light themselves on fire and conduct their ceremonies.


Goddess of Ice

Paes is a cold and uncaring goddess. She fell in love with Rone during the Riot and the two lived in bliss for a short period of time. It seemed that only the burning fire of Rone could warm her heart. She often takes her displeasure out on Orthe during the Winter months, loathing Spring and its joy in life.

The cause for her bitterness is not quite clear. Accounts differ. Some say that Paes grew hard after her husband was unfaithful to her, though that is likely untrue, as gods and goddesses alike often are unfaithful to one another. Another story tells that she was mocked and ridiculed as a youngster by her older brother, Nataso, and the only respite she could find was to block it all away. Whatever the truth is, Paes is a goddess that's full of power and wrath.

The Oracles of Paes, mainly the extreme north-western tribes of Eoran and Maal'ti, dress in white and blue.


God of Nature, Land, and Sea

Many of the inhabitants of Orthe worship Nataso as if he is the most supreme deity. Nataso is a hardened god, whose flesh is calloused like tree bark. He is the tenderer of Orthe and its land. Farmers pray to him for a blessed crop. Hunters pray for a hearty meal. Fishermen pray for fine waters and a great catch. Many worshipers find the beauty of Orthe overwhelming and they offer their praise to him for it.

Nataso, however, is hardened like his sister Paes. He cares about the planet, as that is his duty, but his answering of prayers does not depend on the worshippers. He is stubborn and does things as he sees fit.

The Oracles of Nataso dress in natural tones--greens, browns, and splashes of blues-- and incorporate soil or bark into their garb.


Goddess of Animalia

Wild and feral, Anoma runs with the animals of Orthe. She is a shape-shifter, like some of the gods, and prefers to spend her time among the creatures she controls as opposed to the tiresome pantheon. Her closest relationship is to Nataso, her uncle, as the two work together from time to time.

The Oracles of Anoma often dress in furs and hides, wearing talons and feathers to call on their god.


God/Goddess of Beauty

Biaut is the deity that many tend to love and hate. It is uncertain whether or not Biaut is of the male or female sex, as it appears differently to those who see it. Even among the gods this deity has no specific shape.

Many people are obsessed with Biaut, begging for it's blessing, to grant them beauty unlike any other. Few receive this blessing, as Biaut is very vain.

Biaut tends to work with every god and goddess, casting its own flavor on whatever it wishes.

The Oracles of Biaut have no set garb. They wear whatever is fashionable at the time.


Goddess of the Heavens

It is said that Brappion is the only one that Gast fears, though there is no way to confirm this. She spends nearly all of her time away from Gastron, tending to the rest of the Heavens. Her power is of the suns and moons, stars and planets, emptiness and darkness of space. While she does not create, she certainly can destroy.

Little else is known about this mysterious goddess. Common lore says that she is the elder sister of Gast, though this discredits Gast being the firstborn of the New Gods. Others say that she is actually one of the Old Gods that helped the New Gods in the Riot, and for her aid she was spared. Others say that Brappion no longer exists and that the Heavens are wild and uncontrolled, slowly devouring their surroundings.

The Oracles of Brappion, which are virtually nonexistent anymore, wear deep blues and violets, dotted with white and orange stars, crescents, suns, and streaks.


God/Goddess of Dream, Sleep, and Vision

Viis is a deity that everyone knows. Another sexless god, Viis is in charge of the Worlds of Haze, or the Dreamverse. The appearance of this god, like Biaut, depends upon the viewer. Some may see it as a faceless stranger, familiar but different, and another may see it as a friendly lion. Viis visits the dreamers, sometimes bearing gifts of sweet sleep and other times of terrible nightmares.

The cult of Viis makes it their mission to record the different appearances of this god. They travel all across the Continent and collect people's dreams, writing them down and trying to find a common face for the god.

The Oracles of Viis, which nearly all belong to the cult, wear flowing greys and white, blank masks.


Goddess of Emotion

Fickle, young, and volatile, Ohmy is the most inconsistent of the Pantheon. Bearing the resemblance of a prepubescent girl, Ohmy's mood swings are a constant pain in everyone's side except for Demtia. Ohmy can go from happy to furious in a flash of an eye for no apparent reason. The young goddess' scorn and contempt is harsh to endure. On the other hand, there are no gods who can express joy and happiness as sincere as Ohmy can.

Few actually worship this deity. She is so ingrained in the souls of Man that most take her in stride, doing their best to cope with her influence. Some, like the Stoics, have mastered this, though Ohmy never ceases in her persuasion.

The Oracles of Ohmy are few and far between. All are young girls, and their attire ranges drastically.


God of Light and Dark

At first it seems that Karon would have more power than he does. According to common mythos, though, this god's influence is not much beyond the obvious. He is not in charge of the sun or moon, but instead of actually making them produce and reflect light.

A common tradition is that Karon was jealous of Gast after the first generation of the Created was born. The people of Orthe were all of one likeness, similar to Gast, and Karon, prompted by Lahk, decided to do something about this. The god disguised himself as one of the Created and mated with many of the women. He also cursed clothing and attire of some of the men. Soon, the second generation yielded some unique children, varying in skin color. Karon repeated his actions with the second generation, and soon a whole variety of skin colors were among the people. Once Gast found out about this he was furious and stripped Karon of most of his powers, leaving him only in charge of lighting the sun every day.

The Oracles of Karon do exist, but no one has seen one in many years.


God of Peace

Of all the Pantheon, it is said that Juma cares the most about the Created. His residence is largely nomadic. He believes in spending time with the people of Orthe, knowing them and learning of them. Knowing someone is a way to keep the peace, his Oracles say. Juma keeps his true form hidden, mostly for the safety of Orthe. It is thought that his death would bring a terrible war across the lands, and Demtia desires this. Juma works with PeeArr often.

The Oracles of Juma are plenty. Dressed simply in nothing special, they practice non-violence and peace. They spread the message of love and understanding, respect and compassion.


Goddess of Ambition and Motivation

Without Loruu, Mankind would still be where they were back in the beginning: undeveloped. This deity puts a desire in the hearts and minds of Men, inspiring them to challenge and learn. The prospect of success, the glimpse of a better future, is a strong motivation source for many, and this desire drives the people to work and better themselves.

The Oracles of Loruu preach these thoughts, dressed in mostly professional garb.


God of Sloth and Laziness

Directly in contrast to Loruu, Pamast does most of his work by remaining apathetic and uninvolved. Almost all of his day is spent sleeping and wasting time. Sadly, Pamast had a lasting impact among the early generations. While Loruu was busy inspiring Man to develop, Pamast's lack of involvement greatly affected the work ethic of many. This is why many find contentment and joy in doing nothing.

The Oracles of Pamast are rare, though they do exist. One must go to an Oracle to glean information from it, as it goes against their nature to travel. Almost all are obese.


God of Interrelationships, Cordiality, and Etiquette

A dear friend to Juma, PeeArr spreads a similar message of peace. He believes in keeping relationships cordial and proper, and that civility is a cornerstone of Man. Furthermore he thinks these aspects should be incorporated into the Pantheon, though his constant efforts are mostly thwarted by the devious Demtia.

Most of PeeArr's work on Orthe was finished after his involvement with the early generations. He still travels the Continent from time to time, when he feels that his teachings have been all but forgotten. He sees his greater work as trying to get the Pantheon to act more civilized.

The Oracles of PeeArr dress differently, wearing what is appropriate in whatever location they're in.


Goddess of Chaos

Of all the problem gods and goddesses, Demtia is possibly the biggest. Some say it was her insatiable appetite that inspired Gast to rebel in the first place. Mythology says that she is the daughter of the Old God The Insatiability of Heart, a direct seed among the New Gods. Her influence is strong in the heart of Man. Chaos leads to wars, fighting, and bickering, and these are always present on Orthe.

Demtia is impossible to please. Her schemes are well thought-out and complex, and her desire for chaos extends beyond the realm of Orthe. Her influence among the Pantheon is strong, and squabbles among the gods are commonplace.

The Oracles of Demtia are a mad, zealous bunch. They dress in whatever will cause the most distress, from going nude to avant-garde. There are some that worship this mad goddess willingly, and others that do it unknowingly. It is said that all pay homage to her, whether they like it or not.


God of Deception

If Demtia had a child it could be Lahk. Perhaps he is from the goddess, but likely not. His guile and sense of deception is famous all across the lands. Only Biaut is more beautiful than he, and it's Lahk's appearance that aids in his deception. Blessed with a soothing voice and hypnotizing eyes, Lahk often sows seeds of discord among the plentiful field of Man. He has long blond hair and a graceful body. Demtia loves his work, though the two distrust each other as much as anyone else.

It is common knowledge that Lahk roams the Continent, looking to cause as much mischief as possible. Fathers warn their daughters of this god's ways, but it does no good. Mothers tell their sons not to listen to his voice, that he spreads only lies, but the promises are often too sweet for them to resist.

The Oracles of Lahk are unknown. It is possible that a neighbor serves the god, but all Oracles keep their tongues, preferring silence and quiet calculation as opposed to outright admittance. It is thought that perhaps Lahk himself is the only Oracle of the lands.


God of Judgment and Justice

Lawes is one of the most feared gods in the Pantheon. Commonly called "The Great Watcher," the "Watchful Eye," or "the Judge." Lawes is supremely interested in the Created. He left Gastron for Hubus where he could sit, unbothered, and observe the relations of Orthe. Once the Twins collect a soul, they bring it to be judged by Lawes. The Judge then measures the life of the soul. If it is found wanting it is condemned to spend eternity suffering within Kavle's Maw, a mysterious cave beneath the surface of Hubus. If a soul is found worthy it is allowed relative freedom to roam the surface of Hubus in relative peace.

Theologically it's debated how Lawes actually watches every person. It is thought that he has angels or spirits helping him and that they give detailed reports periodically. Another thought is that Lawes possesses a type of omniscience and omnipresence, but this is heavily doubted by stark followers of Gast. Whatever the case, all souls go to Lawes to be judged after their death.

A cult of Lawes, commonly referred to as the Reckoners, roam the lands and serve as judges for disputes among the people.

The Oracles of Lawes wear silver and gold and spend years studying theology. They are well respected and sought-after often.


God of Luck, Prosperity, and Fortune

It's said that Taipeos is more than a little mad. He's blind in one eye and wears an eye-patch over the other, rendering him essentially useless. Everything Taipeos blesses prospers. In the old times people thought Taipeos was a woman, leading to the nickname Madame Luck. This likely was due to the fact that the god did walk around garbed in women's clothing and a stuffed tunic. Eventually the Pantheon decided that Taipeos needed help and they locked him away for a time. Ill-luck and misfortune fell upon Orthe and years of bad luck eventually led to the release of Taipeos.

The reformed Taipeos no longer dresses in drag (at least not in public). He has a tattoo of three stars on his left forearm. The god is forced to live on Gastron, for fear that if he traveled to Orthe then the Created would prosper too much.

One prominent theory, from the late Oracle Isan-tar's Annals of Thought and Stuff, suggests that Taipeos' choice of a blessing is pure chance. He conjectured that the god would spend time constructing beautiful origami cranes, which he would then toss down to Orthe. Wherever the bird landed would prosper. This thought was well received for many years, leading to many copies of Isan-tar's book being bought. Ultimately it was found that the Oracle created many of these cranes and spread them across the lands, hoping for greater sales. He died of unnatural causes.

The Oracles of Taipeos wear purple and gold. All have stars tattooed on their arms. All wear an eye-patch, and some even have blinded themselves.


God of Record; The Great Scribe

Thaed is a very old god. Some think that he, like Brappion, belonged to the Old Pantheon, and he was offered a place in the New Pantheon after the Riot for his help. Largely the god fills the roll of Holy Scribe. He records whatever the gods dictate. He keeps records. From time to time he takes a census of Orthe, numbering the people and things.

The Oracles of Thaed primarily are chief scribes of royalty and rich houses.

The Constants

The Twins

Epsos and Speos

Gods of Death; The Bringers of Death

Epsos and Speos have always been. Technically they don't belong with the New Pantheon, as they are something different than the other gods. All creatures and creators--gods, Immortals, Semi-mortals, and Mortals--eventually meet the Twins. They collect the soul when the vessel dies, bottle it up, and take it to Hubus to be judged.

Few have seen the Twins and lived. Some mythology suggests that staring into their eyes will result in instant death.

The Twins are rarely at their palaces, as life ends often on Orthe. Both palaces are on Hubus, one being atop Mt. Asros, the other within Kavle's Maw.

The Oracles of the Twins are often seen as a frightening bunch. They wear black, flowing robes. Many paint their faces like a skull or demon. Very few go to see these Oracles, though their prominence is visible across Eura. Some say that the Oracles can forsee death.

The Sisters

Relon and Raya

Goddesses of Fate and Destiny; The Weavers

Like the Twins, Relon and Raya have always been. They belong outside the New Pantheon, perhaps in a higher Courte du Gods. The Sisters have an audience with no one save the Twins and Viis. They sew the fates of Man and god alike, keeping their counsel to themselves. No one knows where they live or how to locate them.

It is doubted, on occasion, that the Sisters are not as controlling as thought. Some attest that free will reigns on Orthe and that they are bound by no overarching yarn. There is, of course, no way to verify this, and though this thought process is not typically voiced, it is thought that many follow it, even if in secret.

The Oracles of the Sisters are practically nonexistent. Diviners and soothsayers claim to be endowed, but more often that not they are found to be lying coin thrifts.

The Muses

Aoide, Melete, and Mneme

God and Goddesses of Song/Voice, Occasion/Practice, and Memory

The Muses are, perhaps, from the Old Gods. They are all young and full of life. Their purpose is to inspire Man to mimic Gast and create, to make beauty in what they do. All are interchangeable, and it is thought that perhaps the three share one body with three heads (or at least they did at one point).

The Muses spend their time mixing with their children, and it's hard to separate who is who.

The Oracles of the Muses wear classic Eura garb, white togas and sandals. All wear a different type of mask.

The Children

Chakra, Ukelele, Kraut, Kraus, Oslo, Olso, Ooleo, Orpa, Olxe, Bernard, Halbert Dayspa, Antonio, and Wolfe

The Children of the Muses; The Arts

The Children come directly from the Muses. They all embody art in one form or another. It is nearly impossible to tell them apart, though theological scholars claim to be able to. The Children are involved in almost every aspect of life, using their influence as often as possible.

There are some cultures and sects that do not worship the Muses or the Children, claiming that artistic endeavors should be avoided. It can be argued, however, that the lack of art is of itself a form of art.

The Oracles of the Muses wear classic Eura garb, white togas and sandals. All wear a different type of mask.

The Sages

Homa, Ruum, Mufie, and Daf

Gods of Knowledge and Wisdom; The Keepers; The Givers

The Sages are full of knowledge. They know everything that was and everything that is. They do not know everything that will be, but they can usually make pretty good guesses. They are often sought and prayed to. They appear as different aged men and women.

It is thought that the Sages and the Sisters do not get along with one another. Some think the Sages are jealous of the Sisters' knowledge of what will be. Others think the Sages used to be part of the Weavers but were banished for some reason.

The Oracles of the Sages wear exotic masks and helms. Their robes are brilliant greens, lined in gold and bronze.