
We are fortunate to have many resources available at Orchard Hills to help parent volunteers with their Art Smart presentations.  Artist portfolios contain poster representations of artworks, as well as additional materials that can be used to teach kids to appreciate and understand art. This program has been in place at Orchard Hills for more than 25 years (before so much artist information was available on the internet) You may choose to use one of our portfolios/resources or you may find your own information online. Our portfolios are cataloged online for the convenience of our volunteers - check them out!

Please see below for this month's artists by grade. If you click on the artist, you will see what we have available for your use as well as any ideas used by previous volunteers.

If you choose to borrow our portfolio or books, they are located in a labeled storage closet near the Teachers' Lounge. A key to access the closet can be borrowed from the main office. 

Please remember to sign out/in materials as you use them!

Test Artsmart