7 Ways to Get Lustrous Hair This Christmas

Look your best this Holidays and tame your tresses so you can show off a silky, lustrous and beautiful crowning glory. ONYC Hair products are guaranteed to provide you that silky, smooth hair that is full of life. Follow these tried and tested tips and get lustrous hair not just for Christmas but through the next year!

1. Remember not to over wash your hair.

The cleaning properties of shampoo can strip off your hair’s natural oils which will prompt the scalp to release extra sebum which will result to greasy, heavy hair. 

2. Massage your scalp gently. 

Massaging your scalp will stimulate circulation and will aid in removing dead skin cells. Such can help prevent dandruff which can cause dull and dry hair.

3. Dry your hair naturally. 

Excessive heat from hairdryers can damage hair cuticles making it dry and brittle. Well, dry and brittle hair never glistens. 

4. Pamper your hair by using hair treatment at least once a week. 

Do it often if you subject your hair to chemical treatments or frequent blow drying. You can do deep treatments using over-the-counter products or by using ingredients found in your kitchen. You can use shea butter, coconut oil, aloe vera and other essential oils.  By nourishing your hair with special hot oil treatments or hair masks, you encourage proper hair growth and keep the natural moisture in your hair. The effect? Soft and healthy hair that is glowing with life. 

5. Rinse your hair with beer. 

Get glowing hair by rinsing your locks with ale or stout. The vitamin B and natural proteins in beer can strengthen the hair follicle and close the cuticle. Hair is at its most lustrous appearance when the cuticle is closed. 

6. Get a semi-permanent color glass.

This can easily make your hair follicles gleam bright. Semi-permanent dyes or cellophane's easily wash off and are not as damaging as permanent hair color. By coating your hair with a glossy film, it will look healthier in an instant. 

7. Cleanse and clarify. 

One of the reasons for dull looking hair is chemical build-up. So you need to clarify your hair and get rid of the entire chemical residue. You can use apple cider vinegar mixed with water to naturally cleanse your hair. 


Of course, the use of hair serums can instantly and easily add gloss to your hair. Just don’t overdo it so you won’t get a greasy head. A little is enough to keep your cuticle smooth. 

Give these 7 + 1 tips a try and you’ll be walking your way to Shine Town. Glossy locks aren’t that hard to achieve; all you need is to give your crowning glory the right care that it needs. Pay attention to your hair care routine and habits and maintain a healthy diet so you’ll enjoy healthy, silky and bouncy hair all throughout the year.