
décembre 1940: Rationnement

[Published and openly available via ARIS]

The goal of this chapter is to prepare a traditional Christmas meal for four people. To accomplish this, players must use their ration coupons to purchase food at the various stores in their neighborhood. Ancillary activities include visiting a museum, going to the theatre, and going to the movies. Radio links include numerous recordings of BBC broadcasts from actual date and time and recordings of French music popular in December 1940.

An instructor's manual with suggestions, links and a short bibliography is available in the Files area of this website. This game has been play-tested three times with students and extensively revised.

juin 1940: l'Exode

[In Development; Play-tested in Spring 2014 & Winter 2017]

The goal of this chapter is to decide whether to stay in Paris or leave. Once that decision is made, players who've chosen to leave Paris must determine where they will go (stay with cousins in Pithiviers, head to Orléans) or what to do with no services available in Paris. Currently, the game forces everyone towards Pithiviers. The objectives are clear for players and there are many historical documents and events within the game. However, the game needs revisions before public release.

août 1941: S'engager

[In Development; Play-tested in Spring 2014 & Winter 2017]

The goal of this chapter is to "engage"-- either in the army, the volunteer work forces in Germany or the resistance. Daily tasks include reviewing propaganda posters throughout town, as well as visiting different sites around town. The historical context is the rise of protests within France and the first execution of a resistant (at the same time as the first French army forces join the German army in the fight against the allies). The rise of clandestine newspapers is also apparent, based on player choices.