Paris Occupé: Profs

File:Bundesarchiv Bild 101I-129-0480-26, Paris, deutsche Soldaten vor dem Moulin Rouge.jpg

This site is designed to share information, materials and documents related to the Paris Occupé project.Paris Occupé is a series of role-playing games (RPG) where students take on fictional identities was used to learn about Nazi-occupied Paris. The combination of historical information learned through more traditional course materials (fiction and nonfiction in a variety of media) plus the personal, emotional engagement with their RPG character, are designed to helping students engage in higher level critical thinking skills and express more nuanced emotional, moral and philosophical stances in French while developing a more comprehensive and realistic understanding of this complex time period.

Photo Attribution: Bundesarchiv, Bild 101I-129-0480-26 / Boesig, Heinz / CC-BY-SA

Paris Occupé is created in ARIS, a user-friendly, open-source platform for creating and playing mobile games, tours and interactive stories.

Paris Occupé: décembre 1940 is available for student use. Please note that the game is server-dependent and lags may occur (especially as quests are completed and/or new days begin).