
Post date: 21-Nov-2009 14:04:32

I do not use neither MS-Office nor Open-Office because I'm use to write in LaTeX (as you might notice).

One of the main problems for people who begin to use LaTeX is that (if you are doing a PS file) it doesn't accept the wide used JPG format for pictures, but EPS... It kind of sucks.

If you enjoy the code... so you might try to draw using it! But it's still hard.

In the last version of Ubuntu, in the Universe repository appears a nice solution, LaTeXdraw. It's a sort of `paint' that gives you the code of the figure, so you can add it to your LaTeX file.

To install it

CLI mode:

Type in the terminal

$ sudo apt-get install latexdraw

GUI mode:

In the menu select, Aplications -> Ubuntu Software Center, search latexdraw, and install.

That's it!
