Google's status as an OpenID Relying Party

(new) For a summary, see Google's presentation given at the OpenID Retail Summit [March 2011]

Sample Sites

Google Account's use of OpenID & SAML as an RP in production

Popular OpenID RP Services

Janrain, Ping, Azure ACS, Gigya

OpenID toolkits from Google

    • Raw OpenID RP feature in Google App Engine (see article) [July 2010]

    • (new) Google identity toolkit [March 2011]

      • The Google Accounts RP features described above are built on top of the same "raw" infrastructure as App Engine, but using a higher level toolkit

      • is a sample App Engine application using the same tools as Google Accounts

      • We will make those tools available (including the login box widget) as a service to any website who wants to copy Google's RP

      • Other vendor offerings will probably continue to be more sophisticated

      • If you are interested in these Google identity tools, contact