
Popular writing in blogs

Why are women who earn slightly more than their husbands hard to find? (with Maryna Tverdostup)

LSE Business Review, 2019

Predatori e prede: quando la valutazione aiuta il "lato selvaggi" della scienza (with Manuel Bagues and Mauro Sylos-Labini)

Scienzainrete.it, 2019

Riviste predatorie, un pericolo per la scienza (with Manuel Bagues and Mauro Sylos-Labini)

Lavoce.info, 2017

¿A qué se dedican los profesores de universidad? (with Manuel Bagues and Irma Clots-Figueras)

Nadaesgratis.es, March 2017

A walk on the wild side: Una investigación sobre la cantidad y calidad de las publicaciones `predatorias’ (with Manuel Bagues and Mauro Sylos Labini)

Nadaesgratis.es, December 2016

Abilitazione nazionale: valutare prima di cambiare (with Manuel Bagues and Mauro Sylos Labini)

Lavoce.info, January 2016

Las cuotas de género a examen (with Manuel Bagues and Mauro Sylos Labini)

Nadaesgratis.es, June 2014

Le quote rosa non superano l'abilitazione (with Manuel Bagues and Mauro Sylos Labini)

Lavoce.info, June 2014

Fraude electoral: evidencia de un experimento de campo en Rusia (with Manuel Bagues)

Nadaesgratis.es, January 2013

Se quel che importa è la rete. Delle conoscenze. (with Manuel Bagues)

Lavoce.info, September 2012

It's not what you know, but who: the role of connections in academia (with Manuel Bagues)

Voxeu.org, September 2012

¿Qué importa más en la carrera académica, los conocimientos o los conocidos? (segunda parte) (with Manuel Bagues)

Nadaesgratis.es, June 2012

¿Qué importa más en la carrera académica, los conocimientos o los conocidos? (with Manuel Bagues)

Nadaesgratis.es, January 2012

¿Por qué persiste el techo de cristal en la carrera académica? (with Manuel Bagues)

Informe CyD 2010, June 2011

¿Conseguirá la Ley de Igualdad romper el techo de cristal en la carrera académica? (with Manuel Bagues)

Nadaesgratis.es, March 2011

Donne che giudicano le donne. In cattedra (with Manuel Bagues)

Ingenere.it, February 2011

Does Gender Matter for Academic Promotion? (with Manuel Bagues)

Voxeu.org, December 2010

Paying Universities to Lower their Standards (with Manuel Bagues and Mauro Sylos Labini)

Voxeu.org, September 2008

Selected newspaper and blogs coverage

Medium (April 2022), Business Matters (April 2022), Science (May 2017), AEA Research Highlights (April 2017), The Australian (April 2017), Yle news (April 2017), Corriere Della Sera (April 2017), Il Sole 24 Ore (April 2017), ilGiornale.it (March 2017), OggiScienza (February 2017), Times Higher Education (August 2015, January 2011), Inside Higher Ed (August 2015), El Pais (May 2011), Biotech Transfer Week (January 2008), Actualidad Economica (November 2008)

Coauthors' websites

Manuel Bagues; Robin Cowan; Florentino Felgueroso; Paola Giuri; Mauro Sylos Labini; Salvatore Torrisi; Pablo Vazquez