Teaching Profile

Teaching Profile

I have taught a variety of topics in Engineering Undergraduate and Masters degree programmes. In the classroom I have held the positions of Seminar Leader and Tutor (for Examples Classes), in the laboratory (physical and computer) I have been a Demonstrator, and I have also written coursework notes (Lecturer-in-charge). This experience was accumulated at the School of Engineering, University of Warwick and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Curtin University.

Fluid Mechanics

I have taught fluid mechanics at 2nd-year level in the computer laboratory using the commercial software package Cosmos Flow Works and in the physical laboratory through demonstration of pipeflow experiments. At 4th-year/Masters level I have taught computational fluid dynamics (CFD) through the development and delivery of a 5-week Fortran-based course (both F77 and F90 versions) as Lecturer-in-charge and Demonstrator of computer laboratories. [Warwick 2006/7, 2007/8]

Authored Material: CFD/F90 Lab course

Solid Mechanics

Using the commercial software packages Solidworks and Cambridge Material Selector I have taught linear solid mechanics and material properties related to mechanical design as a Demonstrator of 2nd-year level computer laboratories. [Warwick 2006/7, 2007/8, 2008/9]

System Dynamics

I have taught 2nd-year system dynamics in the physical laboratory as Demonstrator of inertia experiments. [Warwick 2006/7]


I have taught mathematics at 1st year level in the classroom as Tutor for examples classes and in the computer laboratory as Demonstrator using the commercial software package Maple. [Curtin 2010]


Some of the above teaching has involved Fortran. Additionally I have taught the programming component of various computer laboratories using C++ and MATLAB. [Warwick 2004/5, 2005/6, 2006/7, 2007/8]

Creative Design

I led a 1st-year seminar series on creative design culminating in a poster exhibition. [Warwick 2005/6]

Research Project Supervision

I was co-supervisor (40%) of PhD student Lawrence Lai whose thesis project is entitled 'A study of fluid-conveying flexible pipes with fixed ends', co-supervisor (40%) of PhD student Meagan Burke whose thesis project is entitled 'Fluid-structure interactions of a complaint wall in boundary-layer and channel flow', and principal supervisor of MSc student Beatrice Girot whose thesis project is entitled 'A computational fluid dynamic investigation of the human upper airway' [Curtin 2012]. I have also supervised six 4th-year undergraduate thesis projects on topics in computational fluid and solid mechanics (OpenFOAM) with medical and industrial applications, and provide ongoing technical advice to various PhD students on aspects of CFD, fluid structure interaction, numerical methods and programming. [Curtin 2010-2011]

Authored Material: Curtin BEng Thesis Template, Warwick PhD Thesis Template (LaTeX)