Activities - 2021

Jan's dog - Daisy

Jan writes: I finished Daisy's gansy jumper ready for a walk on a chilly New Year's Day.  She just loves wearing it.

Joan's knitting from the firework Skein on the right - November's challenge

Margaret's Domino knitting cushion using a mix of Shetland and Jacob fleece. 

Jan: Another lockdown jumper but kept me so warm out walking during the snowy weather. Chunky again and makes me look rather chunky too!

We don't agree with the last bit, Jan!

Also used up lots of left over wool to make these egg cosies but will make lovely Easter gifts for the kids filled with a cream egg. Made up the pattern myself after seeing an image on line. So they are a bit quirky!

Sheila's February challenge.

I was attracted to this mixture of purples/lilacs/blues in merino/silk and bought it over a year ago and have now spun most of it.

Sheila has also been busy knitting throughout the year for her three little grandchildren.

Chris writes: Just finished knitting a jacket and hat for my granddaughter's 2nd birthday. 

Judy writes: I finished my Corriedale cushion that I’m quite proud of. It’s crocheted in a very simple pattern. Haven’t done any spinning since so I ought to order some more tops before I forget how to spin!