Michael Swift

Michael Swift

Michael Swift is a chartered accountant, expert witness and mediator.

He practises from Bennett Brooks, 33 Allport Lane, Bromborough, Wirral CH62 7HH, Telephone 0151 334 3157

He has 30 years experience of accountancy, taxation, expert witness as a forensic accountant and 5 years as a mediator (87% success).

Michael Swift was the joint expert in the inquiry into damages in Blayney (TA Aardvark Jewellery) v Clogau St. David's Gold Mines Ltd, [2002] EWCA Civ 1007 and is therefore particularly well qualified to mediate disputes over royalties and licence fees or over the sums payable by way of damages or profits.

He plays banjo and guitar semi-professionally (when he gets time) and loves game fishing.