
Tennis players of all abilities are always welcome at our friendly tennis club.

Mid-Summer membership offers.

We are offering discounts of £30 on Adult and £50 on Family memberships. See below.

Membership benefits include:

Access to the Courts

As a member you will be given a key to access the courts to play when you wish except when there are a few home team matches or Junior coaching (Saturday mornings).

We have a court booking system to ensure social distancing can be followed and avoid members travelling to our courts to find there are no courts available.

All use of our courts must be pre-booked. Members may book an hour, or two adjacent hour slots, through our ClubSpark booking system.

We have WhatsApp group which is an excellent way of finding out who is available to play tennis.

We have a Singles Ladder open to male and female players.

Social Tennis

We have a regular adult and better juniors social tennis session on Sunday mornings between 11-1pm throughout the year and in British Summer Time Wednesday and Friday evenings (which is also a family night) from 6pm until dark. All abilities are welcome from absolute beginners to team players.

The first Sunday in the month, we extend the normal social tennis session into an American doubles tournament, where everyone plays with and against different partners. There is always a wide range of standards represented and a very enjoyable event.

Message from a recent new member: “The encouragement I have received since joining has been so helpful. The way everyone who are accomplished players support those who are beginners is fantastic and the friendly, welcoming and inclusive way the club is run is very special.”

Discounted Coaching Fees

Members receive discounted rates for coaching provided by First Advantage Tennis

Membership categories and 2021 fees with mid-summer discounts

See membership form below

You can pay your membership fee into the club’s Santander Bank Account Sort Code 09-01-28 Account no. 97039308. Please add your name as a reference. To join, or re-join, click on the application form below, print off and complete the Application Form below. You can scan and email the form, or post it, to John Eary (see contact details below)

Or you can pay your membership fee by cheque payable to "New Mills Tennis Club"

For more information about membership contact:John Eary, Tennis Club Membership Secretary and Treasurer

email: phone: 07703 501135

post:36 Parkway, New Mills, High Peak, SK22 4DU