Topics and Motivation

The workshop focuses on next generation modularity techniques to support requirements analysis and architecture design. The key theme of interest in the workshop is that of “next generation modularity” in this space. We aim to be inclusive and hence do not plan to preclude existing modularity techniques. On the contrary we aim to ask the question as to whether existing techniques such as use cases, viewpoints (requirements and architecture), aspects, goals, feature modelling, components and connectors are sufficient to tackle the modularisation challenges at the analysis and design level posed by the changing nature of software. As such we aim to include both analytical discussions and experience reports of utilising such techniques in these new contexts as well as new proposals for modularity mechanisms to tackle specific challenges. Given its focus on the wider service-oriented computing landscape, adaptive software and Internet-scale applications, the workshop would not only be of interest to researchers on modularity but also those working in service engineering, cloud computing, reconfigurable architectures, end-user development and perhaps also those working on Web 2.0 software engineering and social computing.

The workshop will be focused on two key themes: (1) Retrospectives, where researchers and practitioners reflect on the efficacy of existing modularity mechanisms in analysing and designing software systems for the digital world, and (2) new modularity mechanisms to tackle the challenges posed by software systems in the digital world.

Given that this is the first workshop on this topic, we have intentionally shied away from a limited list of topics to encourage participation and community building. All topics relevant to requirements analysis and architecture design are, therefore, within the scope of the workshop with the caveat that the discussion must focus on modularity retrospectives or new modularity mechanisms. Similarly, topics that analyse the relationship or impact of such new modularity mechanisms on detailed design are also within scope. This open and inclusive worldview is also highly pertinent to the goals and format of the workshop.