Wii browser homepage

Welcome to my Wii Internet Channel's homepage! I created this page in order to have a useful launchpad for my Wii browser. I tried to find sites that I either found useful on my Wii or thought would be useful in the future. There are a few video sites, some Wii-optimized sites, a bunch of sites targeting mobile devices, and a site that is iPhone specific. I am sure I do not have everything, but I hope to have most the "good stuff."

I use this page by having it as the first bookmark on my Wii's internet browser. This serves two purposes: First, I do not have to type items in through the Wii remote or plug in my wired USB keyboard (I do not have a wireless keyboard yet). I just add a link to this page and since I already have this page bookmarked, my desired page is two clicks away. Second, it saves spaces on my Wii bookmarks for specific bookmarks.

I hope you find this helpful. If you do, or think something would make it more helpful, please let me know. If you think I am missing something in that category then please feel free to send me an email (ncooprider AT gmail DOT com), tweet (ncooprider), comment, or whatever.