Cambridge Bilingualism Network

I am a founding member of the Cambridge Bilingualism Network, a team of researchers based at the University of Cambridge who work on language development and bilingualism in children and adults. Our aim is to increase awareness about the benefits and challenges of bilingualism by disseminating state-of-the-art research. We are also fostering partnerships between researchers, teachers, clinicians and parents of bilingual children by building interactive support networks whose members can ask and answer questions and share resources.

Our initiative is relevant to parents and professionals across the UK but it also has a strong regional focus, celebrating the linguistic and cultural diversity of Cambridgeshire. In 2010, Dora Alexopoulou, Nafsika Smith and I received a Social Entrepreneurship Catalyst Award from HEFCE and UnLtd in support of the network's activities.

If you'd like information about the Network's past and future events, or if you'd like to arrange a presentation at your school or organization, please visit our website or contact us at cambiling(at)