
Midbrain dopamine neurons from an adult mouse brain labeled with an anti-tyrosine hydroxylase antibody.

Three dimensional rendering showing the distribution of the entire population of midbrain dopamine neurons (Top). Midbrain dopamine neurons express tyrosine hydroxlase and exist as subtypes that co-express Calbindin (green), Calretinin (blue), GIRK2( red) (Bottom).

GIFM used for genetic circuit tracing shown in a hemi-thalamocortical section. Neurons in the thalamus and thalamocoritcal circuits derived from the Gbx2 lineage marked at E12.5 are in red. Parvalbumin+ interneurons (green) and hoechst nuclear stain (blue). 

GIFM reveals calbindin (green) expressing midbrain dopamine neuron (TH+, red) subtype derived from progenitors that expressed Wnt1 during embryogenesis (Wnt1-lineage, nuclear ß-gal+,blue).

Embryoid body derived from mouse embryonic stem cells showing expressing of the pluripotency factor OCT4 (green).

Vibrissae barrels in somatosensory cortex. Neurons in barrel hollows and septa  are Neun+ (red); hollows are innervated by vGLUT2+ axons (green).

Embryonic stem cell derived dopamine neurons. Tyrosine hydroxylase (green), TUJ-1 (red), nuclear counter stain (blue).

ES cell derived dopamine neurons (green) in a field of cells (blue).

Neurons from the thalamus of an adult mouse that had Tsc1 conditionally deleted at E12.5 shows substantial pS6 labeling (red) in enlarged MAP2+ neurons (green).


ES cells programmed to a neural lineage express nestin (red); a subset express WNT1 (green); hoechst nuclear stain (blue).


Wnt1 lineage marked at E8.5. The nervous system was analyzed at E14. (blue).

En1-Cre  cumulative lineage mapping with a conditional reporter allele shows GFP in the dorsal midbrain and cerebellum.

Dopamine neuron progenitors were marked during embryonic development and trackedto the adult stage, which shows a Wnt1-derived midbrain dopamine neuron (green) among dopamine neurons (red).

Genetic circuit tracing shows axons arising from thalamic neurons traverse the striatum and innervate the cerebral cortex. The fingerprint like pattern shows barrel structures in somatosensory cortex.