0.1 Index

Making electronic music: Index

Part one (Introductions)

1.1 Analog audio (mixer basics)

1.2 Intro PC (alsa, FOSS)

1.3 Digital Audio (samplerate, buffersize, nframes, qjackctl)

1.4 Sequencer (audio, MIDI)

1.5 MIDI (with hardware/softsynth)

1.6 Signal flow (analog+AD/DA+jack, overview)

Part two (composing)

2.1 Harmony & Rhythm (Some basics of music theory)

2.2 Softsynths & Drum Machines (filters, LFO, AM, FM)

2.3 Looping (Samplers, sync ardour tempo, rubberband)

2.4 Plugins, Dynamics & EQ

2.5 Automation (Controllers)

Part three (the edge)

3.1 Modular Synthesis (pure-data, supercollider, ams)

3.2 MIDI System Exclusive (with JSynthLib, a Java program)

3.3 Compiling - and optionally writing bug reports for - the latest newest software.