Advanced Functions

Advanced Functions

Some more functions and keys to know

Entering Numbers by Keyboard

Cursor keys moves the cursor in the Puzzle - if you do not see a cursor, you can switch it on with Ctrl-'O'

'1-9' set a cipher in the actual field, '0' or Space clears the field

Entering Numbers by Mouse

'#' chooses the input mode (Popup or Grid, see also Input Modes)

'G' displays a number grid, when grid mode is used

'+' en/disables automatic mouse cursor (to see the difference, move around with the mouse)

Mouse Buttons set the numbers depending the selected input mode

Tag Notes

Alt-'1' to Alt-'9' set tag

'T' view or hide tags

Shift-'T' clears all tags

Ctrl-'T' use up to three number tags in each field

Color Marks

Alt-'R', Alt-'G', Alt-'B', Alt-'O', Alt-'K' sets red, green, blue, orange or black watermark

'W' view or hide watermarks

Shift-'W' clears all watermarks

'Y' sets watermark (next color)

Shift-'Y' clears watermark (identic to a white watermark, Alt-'W')

More functions?

Use the keyboard reference ('K') within the program to get a full list of functions