Mrs. Nalisnik's


Today's  Homework

Grade 6 Science  - No homework

Grade 5 Science - No homework

Grade 4 Science - No homework

Reading - No homework

Social Studies - No homework

Recycle for Bonus Points

Now you can earn bonus points for recycling in science class.  Here’s how it works:

1. Collect any 10 of the following items.  You can mix and match.

2. Put them in a bag with your name clearly marked.

3. Drop them into the Recycling Crate in your science classroom.

4. You get 1 extra credit point for each bag of 10 items.  You may earn up to 10 points per marking period for recycling.


Bring in these items:

- Old CD's

- Altoid Tins

- Cereal Boxes  (Please flatten them by opening the top and bottom of the box.  Please do not fold as they will be used for building projects.)

*These items may change throughout the year.

Book Orders

To order online, use this code:  GR362


Looking for ways to support our classroom?

If you would like to make a donation to our

classroom, we are in need of the following items:

Also, check out my DonorsChoose page for current project:

DonorsChoose Projects