Registration, Waiver of Liability, Fee

All prospective randonneurs need to read the Rules for Riders on the RUSA website.

Pre-registration is not required, but please CONTACT ME before the event to let me know you're coming so I know how many brevet cards to prepare.

The fee is $5 for the 100K populaire, $10 for the 200k-400k brevets, $20 for the 600k and $50 for the 1000K. Make checks payable to Jason Karp.

Registration and Waiver of Liability forms will be available to fill out prior to the start. The ride will start on time, so please show up early enough to complete the paperwork prior to departure. You will not be provided a brevet card and route sheet until the required paperwork and fee has been submitted. The ride start checkpoint closes exactly one hour after the posted start time. If you're running late for some reason please give me a call so I will know to wait for you (if I'm riding) or to have a volunteer wait for you.

If you want to get a jump on things, you may print the Registration and Waiver of Liability Forms below, fill them out, and bring them with you to the ride start: