Accepted papers

Shunsuke Yatabe. A co-inductive language and truth degrees

Zengchang Qin, Qi Zhao and Tao Wan. What is the Basic Semantic Unit of Chinese Language? A Computational Approach Based on Topic Models

Gregory Kobele and Jens Michaelis. Disentangling Notions of Specifier Impenetrability

Alexander Clark. A language theoretic approach to syntactic structure

Per Anker Jensen and Carl Vikner. On Type Coercion in Compositional and Lexical Semantics

Christian Wurm. Regular automata: Properties of a class of finitely induced infinite machines

Yoad Winter and Joost Zwarts. Event Semantics and Abstract Categorial Grammar

Pierre Bourreau and Sylvain Salvati. A Datalog parser for almost-affine lambda-CFGs

Nina Gierasimczuk and Jakub Szymanik. Invariance Properties of Quantifiers in Epistemic Paradoxes

Timothy Fowler. The Generative Power of Probabilistic and Weighted Context-Free Grammars

Tim Hunter. Insertion Minimalist Grammars: Eliminating redundancies between merge and move

Matthew Skala and Gerald Penn. Approximate Bit Vectors for Fast Unification

Valentin I. Spitkovsky, Hiyan Alshawi and Daniel Jurafsky. Lateen EM: Unsupervised Training with Multiple Objectives, Applied to Dependency Grammar Induction (***withdrawn***)