
Based on the previous experience of the La.B.I.S. (Laboratorio Banche, Imprese e Sviluppo), which started in November 2003 to bring together researchers throughout the Faculty of Economics "Giorgio Fuà" in Ancona, the Money and Finance Research (Mo.Fi.R.) group was established in 2007 on the initiative of three promoting members, Pietro Alessandrini, Michele Fratianni and Alberto Zazzaro.

The aim of the group is investigating, from both the empirical and theoretical points of view, the evolution of the financial system as the collection of financial institutions, intermediaries and markets and understanding the real consequences of that evolution for the development of the economic system at the regional, national and international levels. The bank has a central role in our analyses, given its fundamental roles in connecting lenders and borrowers and being payment agent for customers, but research interests also include other forms of intermediation, as well as the financial structure of industrial firms and the effects of institutional monetary and regulatory policies.

This mission is fulfilled through a variety of activities, including sponsored research, seminars, conferences carried out by a bulk of economists from the Department of Economics and Social Sciences of the Università Politecnica delle Marche, in cooperation with researchers from other universities, post-doc research fellows, PhD students and graduate students



Department of Economics and Social Sciences

Università Politecnica delle Marche

Piazzale Martelli 8

60121 - Ancona (Italy)

E-mail: mofir@univpm.it