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Below are some of the Powerpoint presentations and files related to Lectures or Short Courses I have given on Regional Climate Modeling, Atmospheric Sciences and Bayesian Data Analysis.

Bayesian Statistics — "Bayesian Statistics" - Lecture given during the TERI-BCCR Research School II at TERI University in New Delhi, India (October 1-5, 2012)

Beta distribution in R — Plotting the beta distribution in R. This is part of the class on Bayesian data analysis.

Climate Model Uncertainty — "Climate Model Uncertainty" - Lecture given during the TERI-BCCR Research School II at TERI University in New Delhi, India (October 1-5, 2012)

Introduction — Introduction to the lectures on Uncertainty and Bayesian Data Analysis.

NCL files for Ketsana Lecture — These NCL files are to be used in the Ketsana storm lecture during the WRF Workshop in Hanoi. Files created by Torleif Lunde and Stefan Sobolowski (Bjerknes Centre).

Preparing for the Bayesian Data Analysis lectures — This file contains instructions for the students who will attend my lectures on Bayesian Data Analysis at "TERI-BCCR Climate Research School II, Beyond Regional Climate Modelling - Best Practices and New Insights", in New Delhi, India, October 2012.

Reading assignment for the Bayesian Data Analysis lectures — This file contains the instructions and references to the reading assignment for the Bayesian Data Analysis lectures. It is highly recommended that you read these references before the Bayesian Data Analysis short course starts.

R package for analyzing climate model output using R — This R package is adapted from the REA.Gibbs package by Dr. Doug Nychka ( Start with the file nychka_rea_simple.r - change the region name as necessary to plot the posterior distribution of deltaT (the temperature difference between future and present) for the A2 scenario.