Mission Statement And Goals of the MLPAA

Mission Statement

The Mission of the Meadow Lake Parks Area Association is to procure, revitalize, develop, manage and maintain lands in and around

the property formerly known as “The Lake”, located in the community of Meadow Lake, N.M. The intent is to support and accomplish these

goals and projects utilizing State funding, Federal grants and private donations to promote the best interests of the community, the land,

the wildlife, and public education.


· To obtain through donation, the now privately owned property formerly known as “The Lake”, located in Meadow Lake, NM,

· To return this land to a pristine condition by creating a wildlife supporting habitat with wetlands, ponds and open space.

· To manage this land in a way that can be used publicly for the enjoyment and educational purposes of all citizens.

· To obtain, create, and maintain a public access and easement across private, Federal and State lands for a new non-motorized trail to the

Manzano Mountain Wilderness Area.

· To obtain from donation, properties located next to and south of the property formerly known as “The Lake”, in Meadow Lake, N.M. in order to

design, develop and help maintain for the public use and recreation, a general purpose play field, rest rooms, picnic area, senior gardening area,

horse corral and parking lot.

· To stimulate a positive attitude and encourage a level of community pride for all through park activities, learning programs, educational workshops, habitat development,

wildlife and environmental education.