Keynote & Special Talks

基調講演 - Keynote (Jul 29)


The Future of Video Semantic Indexing

篠田浩一 (東京工業大学)

Koichi Shinoda (Tokyo Institute of Technology)




Now the internet teems with consumer videos which are highly diverse and often with low quality. Video semantic indexing, which extracts meaningful information from those Internet videos, has been extensively studied. In this paper, we introduce the research activities in TRECVID workshop, an international workshop, where many participants compete with each other on video semantic indexing techniques and forecast their prospect. We focus on machine learning approach robust against the variety and the low quality, fast computational techniques required for real applications, and multi-modal recognition techniques which combine various modes such as image, audio, and text. We discuss their problem, and predict their future development.



1989年東京大学修士卒.2001年に東京工業大学より博士号(工学)取得.1989年日本電気(株)入社,1997年から1998年までルーセント・ベル研究所客員研究員.現在,東京工業大学教授.専門は音声認識,映像検索,統計的パターン認識,ヒューマンインタフェース.1998年電子情報通信学会論文賞受賞.現在,Elsevier Speech Communication誌およびComputer Speech and Language誌編集委員,情報処理学会音声言語情報処理研究会主査.


Koichi Shinoda received M.S. degrees from the University of Tokyo in 1989, and the D. Eng. Degree from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2001. In 1989, he joined NEC Corporation. From 1997 to 1998, he was a Visiting Scholar with Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies. He is currently a Professor with the Tokyo Institute of Technology. His research interests include speech recognition, video information retrieval, statistical pattern recognition, and human interfaces. He received the Excellent Paper Award from the IEICE in 1998. He is currently an associate editor of Computer Speech and Language and Speech Communication, Elsevier, and the chief of SIG-SLP of IPSJ.

特別講演 - Special Talk (Jul 30)


Real-world Applications for Wearable Computing

寺田努 (神戸大学)

Tsutomu Terada (Kobe University)




Wearable Computing consists of various research area including context recognition, user interfaces, middlewares, information visualization, and sensing. In this talk, I introduce our works that were actually used in the real-world, and clarify what kind of techniques are required in the real-world focusing on the wearable sensing and context recognition technologies.





Tsutomu Terada is an Associate Professor at Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University. He received B.Eng., M.Eng. and Ph.D. degrees from Osaka University in 1997, 1999, and 2003, respectively. Dr. Terada is currently working on wearable computing, ubiquitous computing, entertainment computing technologies. He is a member of IEEE.

特別講演 - Special Talk (Jul 31)


Advances in Japanese morphological analysis for large-scale text corpora

工藤 拓(グーグル(株))

Taku Kudo (Google Inc.)




Text mining and social media marketing from large scale text corpora have evolved significantly over the past few years. Word segmentation (morphological analysis) is known to be a core technology that allows for Japanese textual information to be converted into machine-readable structured data. This talk presents basic algorithms, models and data structures used in Japanese morphological analyzers. We also show the current status of Japanese morphological analysis and what sort of issues we are coping with.


工藤 拓

1976年生 グーグル株式会社 ソフトウェアエンジニア.京都大学工学部電気電子工学科卒業,奈良先端科学技術大学院大学情報科学研究科博士後期課程修了,NTTコミュニケーション科学基礎研究所リサーチアソシエイトを経て現職.専門は統計的自然言語処理,機械学習,データマイニング.オープンソース形態素解析システムMeCabの開発者.