Tech Lesson 1

This log is edited for clarity, this includes the correction of most spelling and grammar, removal of chit-chat and repetitious questions and the reorganization of questions/answers for readability and logical flow (amounting to cutting the log to nearly half of the log’s original length).  This is part of my second summer lecture series, hosted in #forgottenancients on the darkmyst IRC channel at 10 pm EST/ 7pm PST Fridays of 2010.  This was the June 25th class.


01[22:01] <@miri-classic> Our topic is Tech, this week

01[22:01] <@miri-classic> let's begin

01[22:01] <@miri-classic> I would like to get through as much information as physically possible.  I will stop for questions, as always, however there will be much more material between these breaks, please hold questions until we reach one of these natural breaks.  I also may respond to a good many questions with “that will be covered later.”

01[22:01] <@miri-classic> Despite years of working with tech I find it a difficult system of energy work to describe both succinctly and accurately.  As such I feel I need to provide a little background and define some terminology to make the rest of this seminar go more smoothly.

01[22:01] <@miri-classic> First of all, I consider Tech to be a method of creating constructs.  This would, of course lead to confusion, however this is because of how I define constructs.  I think of constructs as anything made of energy that maintains an existence without need of a constant connection to the creator.

01[22:02] <@miri-classic> Humans are constructs, pebbles are constructs, psiballs are constructs, and tech creations are constructs.  They are however a different category.  Material, natural non-material, and thoughtforms/what-psions-call-constructs are different levels of organization, in my mind, on an infinitely long sliding scale.

01[22:02] <@miri-classic> So, I am likely to call tech creations constructs.  If this bothers you, or confuses you, I am sorry, I’ve been doing this too many years to change my terminology on a whim.

01[22:02] <@miri-classic> Further, I was not taught by Omnimancers, and what I have pieced together from their trash, ex-members, and tight-lipped current members, endless scans, telepathic dives, and good old fashioned theft, I do not know their terminology for.

01[22:02] <@miri-classic> It is worth noting now that while I have borrowed from Omnimancers, both to their knowledge and without it, the vast majority of my work has come from the work and subsequent discoveries of Wombatsoup, a small, highly prolific tech research and development group I co-founded some years ago and has since died out.

01[22:02] <@miri-classic> I call the components that compose Tech constructs, simply “components”.  I call all forms of “tech links” tethers.  This includes everything from dimensionally transplacing links and devices to resonance forcing reality shifters to regular old tubes through which energy travels

01[22:02] <@miri-classic> (Yes, this is a term I share with Omni, however I do think my usage is somewhat broader, and most certainly much of my tethers are not on their roster as many of mine are not on theirs.) 

01[22:02] <@miri-classic> I generally call things what they are.  I do not have fancy terminology, I call materials materials, whether naturally or artificially derived, even if said materials have fancier names in other circles (such as Mega Adamantium Mithril).  I prefer this simplicity, and it aids me, often, in communicating with those who were never involved with WombatSoup.

01[22:02] <@miri-classic> One final note before I get on to the good stuff.  I may refer to “reality-hacking” at some point.  While I do not often use this term I would prefer to define it now in case it should come up.  This is simply overwriting the generally accepted rules and methods of operation of reality in a limited area.

01[22:02] <@miri-classic> It’s not hacking into the matrix, changing physics (dramatically), or anything else so dramatic, it’s just “cheating” the universe.

01[22:02] <@miri-classic> I would also like to take this moment to make it clear that I am not responsible for how this material is used, or the consequences thereof.  I am going to try my damnedest to keep this an unabridged lesson, however this is a topic usually taught of months, by people who have lesson plans.

01[22:02] <@miri-classic> I composed this class’s core material in a few days.  There will be holes, and I hope that your questions will fill them.

01[22:02] <@miri-classic> Questions?

06[22:06] * +Intrepid smiles    Onward!

01[22:09] <@miri-classic> Okay, we will resume the onslaught then :-)

01[22:09] <@miri-classic> It is important to understand that practical Tech Constructs are not identical to what are normally called “constructs”.  There are similarities (they’re both made of energy, formed with will, etc.) however the functionality depends on different factors, and they are not programmed in the same ways as regular constructs.

01[22:09] <@miri-classic> Tech functions through the interconnectivity of various components that are extremely specialized.  This is in fairly sharp contrast to regular constructs, which are typically all-in-one, with only some separation by layers of energy types, etc.

01[22:09] <@miri-classic> The programming used to make regular constructs is also not useful for creating efficient components.  The reasons behind this are somewhat murky, however I believe it is due to the inherent vagueness of psionic programming.  It most often uses analogy to define function, and is rarely crisp enough to be more efficient that the creator.

01[22:09] <@miri-classic> This is the big benefit of using Tech, it is often more effective at a task than its creator is, due to the high efficiency of the methodology.

01[22:09] <@miri-classic> The method of creation is a point I struggle to describe.  You must shape energy such that it performs a precise function, however it is more than visible shape, you redefine the base traits and functionality to match what needs to be done.

01[22:09] <@miri-classic> This process is complex, when compared to psionic programming, as a few to a few million components must be created and put together in a functional pattern, and ideally are optimized for efficiency both in their making and organization.

1[22:09] <@miri-classic> For this reason the mechanism of consciousness, most commonly referred to as “Inner”, is used to design and construct most Tech.  Developing a relationship with your inner is the first serious step toward using and developing advanced Tech.  Until you do, it will be difficult to fathom advanced constructs.

01[22:09] <@miri-classic> The Inner is somewhat different, aesthetically, between different people, but it can be generally considered the condensed minds of all previous lives experienced by the user’s soul.  In cases where this basis is insufficient there seems to be a deeper pool of shared knowledge that is accessible to this composite.

01[22:09] <@miri-classic> This knowledge, along with the increased processing capability of tens to hundreds of minds (for most), make the inner an impressive resource for us humans with our rather limited mental faculties, by comparison.

01[22:09] <@miri-classic> It is important to understand that Inner is not an entity, so much as a part of you deeper than you, yourself are.  There is no making deals, or such, as with entities, rather Inner is a part of you that is simply usually very quiet.  I will not go too much deeper into this topic as it is both too much to cover in this time, and more advanced than I can fathom getting in one night.

01[22:09] <@miri-classic> Rather, we will focus on the creation of very simple Tech constructs using only the parts of the self used in psionics, and leave the Inner for another, more advanced, class.

01[22:09] <@miri-classic> Are there questions before I continue?

[22:11] <+Oipo> Is contacting the inner somewhat similar to contacting the subconsciousness?

01[22:12] <@miri-classic> Oipo: Yes, however the subconscious is more directly a part of the physical aspects of the mind, it runs the brain, bodily functions, etc.  the Inner could be thought of as the astral/spiritual aspects of the subconscious

[22:14] <+Rein|Busy> The inner, is that basically our connectivity to the rest of the world, tapping into the unconsciously emitted energy of everyone around us? Like a radio picking up white noise that we have to be able to interpret?

01[22:14] <@miri-classic> That would be done through the inner.  However that semi-infinite pool of information is not actually the inner itself.

[22:15] <+Rein|Busy> Would the inner be more like the radio itself then?

01[22:15] <@miri-classic> The inner makes the connection, however it is not the connection itself

01[22:15] <@miri-classic> It's like the person who turns on and tunes the radio for you, while doing various other things as you laze about.

[22:17] <+Rein|Busy> when you say person, do you mean someone actually separate from self such as a completely different construct or do you mean part of the self functioning independently from the rest of the self?

01[22:17] <@miri-classic> No more separate than your subconscious is from "you" rein.

[22:18] <+Aryn>, should we master what you tell us before learning to deal with our inner, or learn both in tandem?

01[22:19] <@miri-classic> Aryn: mastery is not necessary.  It is helpful to be consciously familiar so that you can better understand what you're doing.

[22:19] <+Aryn> Also, exactly what are the components comprised of?

[22:19] <+Aryn> Mainly intent?  Or strands of energy?

01[22:22] <@miri-classic> Aryn: energy, intent should not be a component, rather it should be like carving a canoe from a log using your tools, the tools are not in the canoe... The wood is.

[22:22] <+Aryn> ah.

[22:22] <@Kalie> carving the wood would be the intent sorry I’m a bit simplistic

[22:23] <+Aryn> Well, I guess I will want to know how to tune into my inner self after this lesson, I will pester you about that later.

[22:25] <+Rein|Busy> may we continue, miri?

01[22:25] <@miri-classic> yes

01[22:26] <@miri-classic> Let’s define the creation you will be working on tonight.  There will be fewer than ten components.  There will be a system to gather ambient energy, this will be one or two components that are absorptive.

01[22:26] <@miri-classic> This will be tethered simply to a small system that condenses the energy to a more useful density, which will be tethered to a third system which imbues typical psionic programming to make that energy into a simple psiball that drifts slowly from the point of creation.

01[22:26] <@miri-classic> Each non-tether portion should be no more than two components, the tethers will be considered single components, as such this should be from five to eight components total.

01[22:26] <@miri-classic> Obviously, this creation has little practical use.  Several of the components, though, will find use in practical creations.  Tethers, simple and advanced, are in virtually everything, condensers, shapers and even ambient energy gatherers are quite useful in various constructions.

01[22:26] <@miri-classic> The actual creation of these components is difficult to explain, but I will attempt to do so succinctly.  First, as with all energetic creations, you will need some energy to create the structures.  That should be easy enough, and I will not spare time to discuss it.

01[22:26] <@miri-classic> Now, separate this energy into several parts.  Form two ‘tubes’, hollow cylinders, and alter their intrinsic traits (not by adding programming, but by altering that actual energy’s nature) such that they not only maintain their shape, but provide a gentle, one-way acceleration to all energy to enter the hollow center.

01[22:26] <@miri-classic> This is not a rubber tube, it is not a PVC pipe, it is not a hose, it is a tether.  Psions will find that analogy will bring programming into the mix, whereas at this stage programming is not how the components should be made.

01[22:26] <@miri-classic> I will explain why this is so, now.  Programming makes energy respond.  That is, programming is something external to the energy, and its introduction to energy causes a change, “Blue and round” programming makes a blob of energy blue and round.  Removing the programming returns it to blob state.

01[22:26] <@miri-classic> Programming comes from the creator and goes into the energy.  What we need to do here is cause a change within the energy without using something else to do it.  The intrinsic properties of the energy must be correlated to your desire directly. 

01[22:26] <@miri-classic> This can be done consciously, mind you, but in cases that are more complicated than this one, it becomes very difficult.  Forcing a shape, two new properties, and the deletion of a property or two to thousands of blobs of energy, all of these changes very different, is simply beyond the practical limits of the conscious mind.

01[22:26] <@miri-classic> This should not be done with visualization of any sort, rather it should be conducted using either pure information interaction or through will without analysis.  Do not think about what you are doing, rather intend and will it so, without consciously interrupting yourself.

01[22:26] <@miri-classic> Continue to create the components of the three other parts of the tech creation similarly, adding traits that seem necessary to you.  For simplicity I recommend a spherical compressor and semi-sphere gatherer and shaper, leaving the centers hollow.

01[22:26] <@miri-classic> I expect there are questions, now.  I would like to address them before jumping into the practical aspects of this class.

[22:28] <+Oipo> I'm not entirely sure what you want us to do.

01[22:28] <@miri-classic> For this moment, think.

[22:28] <+Oipo> Is this a sample/teaser of what you want us to do?

01[22:29] <@miri-classic> This is a very basic example of what Tech is, it's somewhat more complicated than some "natural" firsts, though.

01[22:29] <@miri-classic> I will give suggestions later for personal projects, and continuations beyond this exercise.

01[22:30] <@miri-classic> For this moment consider the project and how you would like to go about it.

[22:30] <+Kazasu> So, you want the energy to move through the tubes in one way?

01[22:30] <@miri-classic> in a single direction, yes Kazasu

[22:30] <+Rein|Busy> I wonder, can I make this more like an organic object and less like a machine. A body performs similar functions but just in a form I find more attractive?

01[22:31] <@miri-classic> Absolutely, Rein.

[22:31] <+Brilenus|ICTX> Tech is just a name, organics are quite useful when it comes to tech.

01[22:31] <@miri-classic> Organic/natural structures are great examples to build from

[22:31] <+Kazasu> So, the tube is just a complicated way of saying tether?

[22:32] <+Kazasu> Just wanting to be sure here. =P

01[22:32] <@miri-classic> Or tether is a complicated way of saying tube, yes.

[22:32] <+Rein|Busy> Which would you say leaves more room for advancement in creation, organic or mechanical?

[22:32] <+Brilenus|ICTX> Both are just as free.

[22:32] <+Rein|Busy> Would you agree, Miri?

[22:32] <+Brilenus|ICTX> You could even mesh the two, or go for something of your own design.

01[22:34] <@miri-classic> Rein: that is difficult to say, organic has more immediate advancement... there are examples EVERYWHERE, mechanical bases though are more mentally-based and can grow in complexity exactly as fast as the creator.  A mechanical methodology is somewhat more suited to some tasks, just as are biological models, both are very useful, so I suggest both

[22:33] <+Oipo> Here's a quick sketch of what is expected:

[22:33] <+Rein|Busy> Like the little pipe people in the bladder control commercials. >.<

[22:34] <+Oipo> For some people, like me, it really helps to just draw the desired results, divided in sub modules.

[22:34] <+Aryn> I tried creating what was described...if a construct is unintentionally created, should I consider it a bad thing?

01[22:35] <@miri-classic> Aryn: No, though a "construct" and a piece of tech are not necessarily the same

01[22:36] <@miri-classic> I would suggest trying to slowly and intentionally build it, rather than going with whatever pops into existence, at least to start.

[22:36] <+Aryn> ok, but if a construct forms where I want a piece of tech, I guess it is alright...could be on the wrong track.

01[22:36] <@miri-classic> It's alright if all you need is a solution, if you need tech it is not.

[22:37] <+Aryn> a piece of tech is what, just an alteration of energy from a source to perform a function, all programmed by will and solidified by intent?  Pardon me, I may have misunderstood.

[22:37] <+Rein|Busy> Basically, it's the difference between an artist and a structural engineer, right?

01[22:37] <@miri-classic> Not programmed at all

01[22:37] <@miri-classic> Rein|Busy: sort of

[22:37] <+Rein|Busy> Nods

01[22:38] <@miri-classic> Aryn: You're shaping it and altering the data already there, you add nothing, however.

01[22:39] <@miri-classic> An example are leaves.  There are many leaves that water droplets roll right off of because of their nano-level organization and composition, it took years to create a synthetic coating to do the same, we just look at the organization of the leaf and mimic that, changing the data of the energy to match that of the leaf.

[22:38] <+Aryn> Hmmm...Would using stones connected to a power source to build tech on be a good idea?

01[22:40] <@miri-classic> Aryn: it's been done, it works, but it's fairly limited, practically.

[22:39] <@Kalie> kinda like making a shell with nothing in it yet or weaving a tapestry but leaving it empty with will/intent no programming

01[22:40] <@miri-classic> Kalie: yes

[22:40] <+Rein|Busy> A person's tech designs are only limited by themselves, right? So if I want to create art and tech, I have just to make a detailed design that is both beautiful and functional?

01[22:40] <@miri-classic> Rein|Busy: yes

01[22:41] <@miri-classic> Tech is typically more about function than form, however I've observed some pieces that have been "beautiful"

[22:41] <+Aryn> ok, so let's see if I got basically is not made of constructs but instead of energy that is there, and naturally bonds together, and therefore can be shaped by the will to bond in a certain manner in order to create a channel for energy to go through in order to create the desired outcome?

01[22:42] <@miri-classic> Aryn: yes, on the simplest levels :-)

01[22:45] <@miri-classic> Okay, are there more questions, or shall we begin building?

01[22:46] <@miri-classic> Make your tech now, I expect you’ve been thinking about it for long enough to have some idea of how you will do it, if not, ask questions and/or scan as needed.

[22:47] <+Oipo> In case it's still not clear, there's always the sketch I made.

01[22:47] <@miri-classic> Aryn: I still get an impression of programming, if it is separable from the creation it is unacceptable.

01[22:47] <@miri-classic> it's like if "blue" was separate from "color" if that makes sense...

[22:48] <+Aryn> hmmm...oops

01[22:48] <@miri-classic> You need to make the energy and its traits one thing, not two melded things.

[22:48] <+Aryn> I still do not grasp how to shape it correctly without accidentally programming it.

[22:48] <@Kalie> ok miri?

[22:48] <@Kalie> done can u look flying blind here

01[22:49] <@miri-classic> Kalie: Yes, though somewhat more... intricate?... than I expected.

[22:49] <+Kazasu> Is it just me, or is it easier to replicate tech?

01[22:49] <@miri-classic> Kazasu: infinitely easier

[22:49] <+Kazasu> And can you scan over here when you are free.

01[22:51] <@miri-classic> Kazasu: Not bad, though straight-forward/lackluster it should work

[22:49] <+Rein|Busy> If I saw it working like a flower that emits a that very wrong?

[22:52] <@miri-classic> Rein|Busy: not at all

[22:49] <+Oipo> There, that should do the trick for me.

[22:49] <@Alusa> hmm so were actually going to make these tonight?

[22:50] <@Alusa> i think i made something like what you were talkin about

[22:50] <@Alusa> look at it miri?

[22:50] <+Aryn> Am I still on the wrong track?  Just tried visualizing the concept alone, nothing more, this time.\

01[22:50] <@miri-classic> Aryn: Try firmly establishing in your mind what the energy is, then overwriting that idea, trait by trait.

01[22:50] <@miri-classic> Visualization will hold you back, aryn, because you associate it with constructs

[22:53] <@Alusa> how am i doing?

01[22:53] <@miri-classic> Alusa: Good

[22:53] <@Alusa> hmm all the parts kinda reminds me how a watch or a factory works

[22:53] <+Aryn> ok, can you double check mine now?  I tried something else, no visualization.

[22:53] <@miri-classic> Aryn: actually a bit better, but I still see lines of programming, try starting with some "fresh" energy

[22:53] <+Rein|Busy> Collecting ambient energy in the way you described made me think very much of photosynthesis, but it would be like a flower that bursts said energy out in a type of self protection rather than just going all green.

01[22:54] <@miri-classic> Rein|Busy: That's great

[22:54] <+Aryn> ok, how is this?

01[22:55] <@miri-classic> Aryn: Pretty good

[22:55] <+Oipo> Since you're busy anyway, mind checking out mine?

01[22:56] <@miri-classic> Oipo: good enough

[22:55] <@Kalie> miri what now?

[22:56] <+Aryn> ok, so I tried just commanding the energy to gather there and letting the universe sort the rest that a good way to do it?

01[22:57] <@miri-classic> Aryn: that starts to get into basic inner work

01[22:56] <@miri-classic> Now, everyone, now that you have good-enough (or better) models, Add an on/off switch to every piece.

[22:56] <+Aryn> ok

[22:56] <@Alusa> done

[22:57] <@Kalie> ok

[22:57] <+Aryn> How about a dimmer switch?

[22:57] <+Oipo> miri-classic, is the on/off switch a simple bypass switch, or a blocking switch?

[22:57] <@miri-classic> bypass

[22:57] <@miri-classic> Except at the emission point, which should be blocking

[22:58] <+Aryn> ok, how is mine?

[22:59] <@miri-classic> Aryn: workable

[22:59] <+Aryn> wait...emission point...that is where it gathers, not where it enters, right?

[22:59] <@miri-classic> Where it would exit, Aryn

[23:00] <@Alusa> hows this miri?

[23:00] <@miri-classic> Alusa: fine

[23:01] <@miri-classic> Everyone has one now, yes?

[23:02] <@miri-classic> Now, create an additional component, a viscous energy, like a paint, and specifically attracts energy by resonating with it.  "Paint" the inside of the gathering part with this "paint"

[23:04] <@Kalie> ok miri how’s that?

[23:04] <@miri-classic> Kalie: works

[23:04] <+Kazasu> And for me, miri?

[23:05] <@miri-classic> Kazasu: good

[23:04] <+Aryn> ok, and this one?

[23:05] <@miri-classic> Aryn: don't revert to programming

[23:06] <@Alusa> hows mine miri?

[23:06] <@miri-classic> Alusa: fine

[23:06] <+Kazasu> Cool, interesting how the energy changes itself.

[23:06] <@miri-classic> REady for the next step?

[23:08] <@Alusa> what’s the difference between programming and what were doing again?

[23:09] <+Rein|Busy> would I be fine tuning the 'chloroplast' so that it only understands the specific type of energy: ambient, that is intended?

[23:09] <@miri-classic> Rein|Busy: that works

[23:10] <+Aryn> ok, so how  should I tweak it to work better?  Just will the energy to be tighter to the gathering point?

[23:11] <@miri-classic> Aryn: tech improves through the addition of more specialized and more copious components

[23:10] <+Rein|Busy> right, okay, I already did that. I just wasn't sure if you had any recommendations for more.  I'm done then.

[23:11] <+Aryn> ok

[23:08] <@miri-classic> Okay, next step, then

[23:11] <+Aryn> How is this?

[23:11] <+Aryn> Uh...I did not accidentally program, did I?

[23:12] <@miri-classic> It's fine, Aryn, there are hints of programming, but that's because you're not comfortable with it yet

[23:12] <@miri-classic> Okay, next step

[23:12] <@miri-classic> Add an extra layer to the compressor unit that adds a gravity-mimicking push toward the center of the sphere/area.

[23:12] <+Aryn> ok

[23:12] <+Aryn> ah...makes sense.

[23:13] <+Aryn> Did that around the room...but the sphere would be better, I suppose.

[23:13] <@Kalie> inside the sphere no?

[23:13] <@miri-classic> Inside or outside doesn't especially matter at this level of complexity, Kalie

[23:13] <+Aryn> ok, is this good?

[23:14] <@miri-classic> Aryn: still need to steer away from programming, but yes, it's good.

[23:14] <@Kalie> we still working on same sphere?

[23:14] <@miri-classic> This is the second sphere, the compressor.

[23:15] <@miri-classic>

[23:15] <+Aryn> Oh...and can the sphere be overloaded?

[23:15] <@miri-classic> Aryn: it's fine

[23:16] <@miri-classic> Aryn: there is no programming, so not easily, no.

[23:16] <@Kalie> miri how is mine?

[23:16] <@miri-classic> Kalie: fine

[23:16] <+Rein|Busy> the center is where the 'psi ball' is emitted?  Wait, so if my 'psi' is emitted at the top, does that mean I am reversing the gravity pressure?

[23:16] <@miri-classic> Rein|Busy: it's simpler than that.  Intake --> Compressor --> Shaper

[23:17] <+Tayutai> the more your focus on a bad ending/result, or worry, the more it may become likely, whether from the law of attraction or from simple carelessness due to over worrying and lessened concentration/focus on said subject >.<

[23:17] <@miri-classic> Tayutai makes a good point

[23:17] <+Rein|Busy> would it make more sense for me to use something that creates pressure against gravity but isn't gravity. like water rising in confined space?

[23:17] <@miri-classic> Rein|Busy: you compress it before shaping it into a ball

[23:18] <@miri-classic> Rein|Busy: there is no gravity in astral unless you want it there

[23:18] <+Rein|Busy> right. you mentioned gravity so I was reworking my schematics.

[23:19] <@miri-classic> People ready for the next step?

[23:19] <@Kalie> yup

[23:20] <@miri-classic> Next we will improve the tethers, create several fan-like components in the tube that push the energy faster through the tether.

[23:20] * @Alusa nods

[23:21] <+Aryn> ok...ready for a scan, fighting the urge to program...hmmm...

[23:22] <@miri-classic> Aryn: acceptable

[23:21] <+Kazasu> Mind if I just ask for a scan when we're done?

[23:22] <@miri-classic> That's fine, Kazasu

[23:22] <@Kalie> all tethers?

[23:22] <@miri-classic> Kalie: all tethers, yes

[23:22] <+Kazasu> Oh, the compressor... makes the energy dense?

[23:22] <@miri-classic> Yes, kazasu

[23:23] <@Kalie> ok miri?

[23:23] <@miri-classic> Kalie: fine

[23:23] <@Kalie> cool

[23:23] <+Oipo> This is probably merely touching on the possible complexity capable of this system.

[23:24] <+Aryn> yep

[23:24] <@miri-classic> Aryn & Oipo: this contains perhaps 10 components, an "advanced" tech piece can contain thousands, millions, even billions.

[23:25] <+Aryn> mind added more tethers...

 [23:26] <@miri-classic> more tethers work, it’s not the goal but it functions similarly, increasing flow capacity.

[23:27] <@miri-classic> We're only going to add one more aspect to this basic exercise, we're going to take a tether and attach it to a ley-line, then loosely connect it to the intake, like that cover they have on that underwater oil well.

[23:28] <+Rein|Busy> Very well.

[23:28] <@Kalie> ley line is energy connected in the earth?

[23:29] <@miri-classic> Kalie: essentially

[23:29] <@Kalie> miri how is mine?

[23:29] <@miri-classic> Kalie: yeah, works

[23:29] <+Oipo> initiating quantum based tunneling to ley-lines.

[23:29] <+Aryn> ok, how about now?

[23:30] <@miri-classic> Looks like too little flow, Aryn.

[23:30] <@miri-classic> You want he tether on the leyline to be like those in the engine, pulling energy from the line

[23:43] <+Oipo> Can the tethers be of any type imagined? Like, if I wanted, could I imagine some sort of tether which is wireless?

23:43] <@miri-classic> Oipo: yes

[23:43] <+Kazasu> That would be very interesting.

[23:43] <@miri-classic> Inner can usually take care of details, especially as you do more and more of this

[23:30] <+Kazasu> Hrm.. I'm tempted to have it spit out psi-pets.

[23:31] <@miri-classic> Kazasu: fine, go for it

[23:31] <+Kazasu> =P

[23:31] <+Oipo> miri-classic, how's the flow on mine?

[23:31] <@miri-classic> Oipo: works

[23:31] <+Aryn> ok, I will try again...need more feedback.

[23:31] <+Aryn> For some reason, the tether does not want to stick easily.

[23:32] <@miri-classic> Aryn: probably lies with you, that hesitancy, the energy should have no problems

[23:31] <+Rein|Busy> a organic object, what would that be similar to? I don't speak leyline/engine very well as of yet.

[23:32] <@miri-classic> Rein|Busy: roots leading to a river undergreound

[23:32] <+Rein|Busy> ah, right

[23:32] <+Rein|Busy> thank you

[23:32] <+Aryn> ok, how does mine look now?

[23:33] <@miri-classic> Aryn: okay

[23:33] <@miri-classic> Okay, people comfortable with this?

[23:33] <@Kalie> yup

[23:33] <+Aryn> other sources I should use here?...*evil laughter*  How about the sun?...

[23:34] <@miri-classic> The sun is good, all stars work

[23:34] <+Aryn> I think I am getting somewhat comfortable, still feels mildly awkward.

[23:34] <@miri-classic> you don't need to use a thousand star-tethers, yet, though

[23:34] <+Kazasu> Feels more natural to me. 0.o

[23:34] <+Rein|Busy> my flower lives on veil, transforms ambient energy into a psi balls and is pretty to boot. If that makes the cut...then I am more than ready to be done with this.

[23:34] <+Aryn> Hmmm...channeling all that runoff energy around it into a stone...good or bad idea?...

[23:35] <@miri-classic> Aryn: fine

[23:35] <+Kazasu> Oh, so I could use stars instead of more leylines than I care to mention? >.<

01[23:35] <@miri-classic> Kazasu: yes, stars have more... oomph

01[23:35] <@miri-classic> But you need better tethers

01[23:35] <@miri-classic> For further stars

[23:35] <+Kazasu> Alrighty.

[23:36] <+Kazasu> Least it'll be less draining on my mental abilities.

[23:36] <+Kazasu> Thanks.

[23:35] <@miri-classic> I'm going to suggest a couple of projects, some easy, like this, some harder.

[23:36] <@miri-classic> Next you may wish to try making a one-off tech piece, like a bomb.  YOu can use a grenade as a model, if you wish, it's all pretty simple.

[23:38] <@miri-classic> Creating powered shields is a good project as well

[23:39] <@miri-classic> For a long time I used a shield that was remotely projected from a tech projector, plugged into a star, and let it go, you can't do real damage to a projection, of course, as it's constantly renewed, not just ‘fixed’ or ‘healed’ but literally new.

[23:41] <@miri-classic> One more thought is to start thinking about reality hacks.  Taking the rules and mechanistically tearing them a new asshole.  This isn't typically too dramatic (110% efficiency as opposed to 100%) but they can be.

[23:42] <@miri-classic> So

[23:43] <@miri-classic> If you all choose it, the next class can also be on tech, I would move on to discuss the Inner and relatively advanced tech constructs, including above 100% efficiency dynamos, and reality hacks.

[23:46] <+Kazasu> You could speak about pocket dimensions. =P

[23:46] <@miri-classic> Kazasu: yes, though I could include that with reality hacks in tech part 2

[23:49] <+Aryn> Thanks for the lesson, it was quite insightful.

 [23:49] <@miri-classic> So, shall we vote? What are the nominations for next week's topic? I nominate Tech part 2.

[23:49] <+Aryn> Aye

[23:49] <@Alusa> hehe I’m for tech part two its interesting

[23:49] <+Oipo> What are the other options anyway?

[23:49] <+Kazasu> Yeah, I was picturing that miri.

[23:49] <+Kazasu> I vote tech part 2.

[23:49] <+Rein|Busy> I vote for something that isn't tech

[23:50] <+Aryn> Tech can be useful to learn.  Best I learn it.  Tee-hee...

01[23:50] <@miri-classic> Oipo: anything, unless I reject it, nominate something

[23:51] <+Kazasu> How about making clay golems. =P

[23:51] <+Brilenus|ICTX> T2 I would definitely want to show up for.

[23:51] <+Tayutai> ..miri did you already cover wards and that fun bag of topics?

[23:51] <+Rein|Busy> I nominate learning how to apply tech to our physical bodies to create personal enhancements in our realities.

[23:51] <+Oipo> miri-classic, does Tech 2 include how to sense your own techs? It seems quite a useful ability :P

[23:52] <@miri-classic> Tech 2, and Tech: the mod edition, anything else?

[23:54] <@miri-classic> So far I see three for tech 2 1 for tech the mod edition

[23:55] <@miri-classic> Okay... that's all the votes?

[23:55] <@miri-classic> Any more nominations, vote changes?

[23:56] <@Alusa> i still say tech 2

[23:56] <+Kazasu> T2

[23:56] <@miri-classic> (any more votes?) 4 votes is too few, by my count)

[23:56] <+Rein|Busy> I still vote for something that isn’t tech

[23:56] <+Aryn> Tech:  Mod Edition sounds VERY tempting, but better to get more acquainted with tech before sticking it on your body, I suppose.

[23:57] <+Brilenus|ICTX> I vote for tech 2.0

[23:57] <+Brilenus|ICTX> With extra astral warps :P

[23:58] <@miri-classic> Okay... Tech part 2 it is.