
Vladimir Pekar (Email: vladimir.pekar at

Vladimir is a visiting scientist at Princess Margaret Hospital, where he works on joint projects with Philips on image processing in radiation therapy planning. Prior to this assignment, he was a senior scientist at Philips Research Laboratories in Hamburg, Germany. Vladimir holds a PhD in computer science from the University of Hamburg. His research interests are in automatic segmentation and non-rigid registration of medical image data.

Past organizers:

Alex Levinshtein (Email: babalex at, Webpage:

Alex has recently finished his PhD in computer vision at the University of Toronto, where he worked on image segmentation and perceptual grouping under the supervision of Sven Dickinson and Cristian Sminchisescu. He is currently a joint UofT / Philips post-doc, sponsored by MITACS. Currently, Alex is working on automating image guided radiation therapy planning.

Arish Qazi (Email: arish.qazi at, Webpage:

Arish is a medical imaging scientist at Princess Margaret Hospital. He is involved in development of automated segmentation techniques for radiation therapy planning. He has a PhD in Computer Science (majors: Medical Image Analysis) from the University of Copenhagen, where a significant part of his PhD was carried out at Harvard University. His research interests include image segmentation, image analysis, image registration, pattern recognition, and diffusion imaging.