Silent Auction

We're holding a Silent Auction to benefit the Midwest Scottish Weekend

Please bring contributions (ideas below)! Please fill out the form below for each item offered. 

The auction helps fund the Weekend--thanks for donating and bidding generously.


Please bring contributions! These can include: 

•  Items of interest to dancers, for example: clothing, shoes, costumes, accessories

• Books, music 

• Non-perishable specialty food or drink

• Pretty or useful things you just don’t need anymore

• Crafted items

Anything Celtic or related to Scotland

• Services you might supply, for example:  home made baked goods, custom sewing, math tutoring, garden assistance

Be creative!

Items (or vouchers for services) will be displayed in the lobby outside of the Lindsey Gym.

Please fill out the form (or make as many copies as you need!) for EACH item and specify a minimum bid. (Leave Item # blank – that’s for our records.)  

Bring the items to the weekend and give them to our helper at the Welcome Party or after breakfast Saturday.

You can stop to visit and bid, or re-bid through Saturday day and evening, and up until the cutoff time on Sunday morning. 

Then pick up what you’ve won Sunday before lunch. 

Be sure to bring some cash (or your checkbook) to cover it! 
