
There are 3 things that you will need to do to publish your app on Google Play. You can see an example of a Google Play listing here.

    1. Proof your app with Mr Incorvia
    2. Create specific pictures and descriptions to showcase you app.
    3. Create your app's apk

Please read everything on this page carefully. There are a number of files that need to be created with EXACT specifications. Please follow all direction.

Proof Your App

If your app is going to be available for the public to download it needs to be bug free and smooth. Follow these steps before moving on:

  1. Install your app on a real android phone or tablet. NO EMULATOR.
    1. Test it out. Does the app function exactly as you'd expect?
    2. Try to think like someone who has never used your app before. Is it easy to use?

If you find a bug fix it. If you're happy with the app, hand the device to Mr Incorvia. Follow all of his suggestions.

Your App's Name

Search the play store and make sure your app's name isn't taken.

If it is taken, you can still submit the app, but it is best to have an original name. Consider changing your app's name if it is already taken.

Once you have your name do the next few things:

    1. Make sure your set your information correctly in app inventor. Set your "AboutScreen, AppName, and Icon" under Screen1's properties.
  1. The name of your project under "My Projects" is what your app will be the name of your address on the play store. Make sure it is the same as your app name. DON'T SEND IN A PROJECT NAMED SOMETHING LIKE "myapp_checkpoint2"

Pictures and Descriptions

Create all of the following. Email them to Mr Incorvia in one email. Do not send Mr Incorvia many different emails. Only send him one with everything attached.


  • Two jpg screenshots of your app.
      • The screenshots need to be sized exactly to 320w x 480h.
      • Name these "YourAppNameScreenshot1" and "YourAppNameScreenshot2"
      • You can take screenshots of your app running in the emulator.
  • Create a 512 x 512 jpg icon for your app
    • Name this "YourAppNameBigIcon"
  • Create a 180w x 120h jpg ad for your app
    • Name this "YourAppNamePromo"
  • Create a 1024w x 500h jpg feature graphic
    • Name this "YourAppNameFeature"

Text (copy and paste this into the email and fill it out)

The name of the app (30 characters max):

Description of the app and what it does (4000 characters max):

A short advertisement for your app (80 characters max):

Create your app's apk

An "apk" is the file that will install your app onto other phones.

    1. The name of your project under "My Projects" is what your app will be named on someone's phone. Make sure it is the same as your app name. DON'T SEND IN A PROJECT NAMED SOMETHING LIKE "myapp_checkpoint2"
    2. Create a 48x48 version of your "YourAppNameBigIcon" called "icon.jpg" and upload it to your app inventor.
  1. Under "Screen1's" Properties, set icon to "icon.jpg"
    1. Click "Build" and select "App (save .apk to my computer)"
    2. Wait for the app inventor finish
    3. Attach the Apk to the email

Once you have all of your pictures, text, and apk attached to a single email, email it to Mr Incorvia.