This is a list of my released skins for Football Manager.

Skins will only work for the Game Version and Mode they are listed for - so FM20 skins won't work on FM21 for example.

Whilst Full Mode Skins/Mods will only work on the main version, Touch Mode Skins/Mods will only work on the Touch (Classic Mode for older titles).

The exception is for Skins/Mods that list the Mode as Both - this means the content either works on both the Full and Touch Mode or the linked page contains download links for both versions of that game.

Redistribution Terms

You are generally free to re-use, translate or host/link to my content without having to ask for permission provided you follow the below rules;

1. They are not sold or behind a paywall.

2. You don't advertise them as being exclusive to your website.

3. My username and blog address are included:

4. If linking to my work then please provide a link to the download page rather than the download link as the download link may change.

If you have any questions then the best place to ask them is in the Skinning Hideout at the Official SIGames Forums where I can be found most days.

If you like my work then feel free to send me a donation through paypal. Note this is completely optional all of my content will always be free.

Skins – List page from Classic Sites