Physics, Information, and Communication

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                                                               Key Papers in Physics, Information, and Communication


It was recently found that the Google Books images of Ampere's Treatise do not contain the figures.  These figures were presented on two large plates  (about 11"x17") and therefore they were skipped.  The figures are essential to understanding since the Treatise is a description of the experiments shown in the figures, and the theory deduced from the results of the experiments.

I have converted the original French text to TeX and, incorporated the plates and figures in the PDF. This version was produced from the First Edition, 1826, and also from the Second Edition, 1883. Essentially, I started from the First Edition using high resolution images of the figures, but checked the Second edition and its figures for corrections. The two plates were edited to improve the image quality and to correct a number of typos, and a set of individual figures was generated from the plates.  This facilitates viewing the figures, using hyperlinks, while reading the text.

This copy is, I hope, fairly nearly correct.  However, it would benefit from independent proof reading.  Reports of any problems would be much appreciated.

The English translation is also complete. In May 2015 I updated the translation based in large part on comments from Andre Koch Torres Assis. Quite a few sections are now considerably clearer. Just one quite obvious typo was found and corrected.

I have also put together a zip file which  contains the French and English PDFs without the plates and figures, and a folder containing both plates and all the figures as individual PDFs.  This should provide convenience in reading and it reduces the size by not duplicating the figures. Both the French and English PDFs contain hyperlinks to the plates and to each individual figure.

Some historical notes: This Spring (21013) has been pretty busy, but I have had a chance to do some editing of the English translation.  In particular, I worked on Sections 18 and 22, but also made some corrections in other parts of the text.  July update: I edited the English Sections 23-26. December 2012 update: I made some cleanup of the front matter, headings, and inclusion of new information from Andre Koch Torres Assis, who has produced a Portuguese translation and done other work in this area. This is described more fully in the Preface. However, I also finally realized that I had not carefully compared the "Notes" at the end of the First and Second editions. They are actually substantially different, with the one from the Second edition containing important information.  So, I have replaced the Notes with the one from the Second edition.  Both the French and English versions are now, June 2015, in reasonable shape. I made some recent changes based in part on comments from Andre Koch Torres Assis who has a very extensive background of study of all of Ampere's works. Further comments are, of course, welcome.