Acceptable Use Policy

Rules and Appropriate Usage

The iPads and iPods used by students are the property of the Pewaukee School District (PSD). The use of a mobile device by a student is a privilege, not a right. This privilege can be revoked. Before using iPads and iPods at school, students and parents or guardians must sign this Acceptable Use Policy.

Students are responsible for appropriate behavior when using mobile devices in the school. The following rules apply to the use of the computer technology in Pewaukee Public Schools, including iPads and iPods:

The Pewaukee Public Schools encourages the use of the network, including the Internet, as a tool for research and education. The network, like any other school property, must be used for the educational purposes for which it was intended. Technology users are expected to follow basic rules of courtesy and common sense when accessing electronic information, so that the network, including the Internet, continues to be a valuable source of information for all individuals. A $10.00 technology consumables fee will be assessed each student each year

  1. Students must have a permission slip signed by a parent/guardian on file with the District to use the network and to use the Internet.

  2. The District's technology is to be used for educational purposes only.

  3. Online time must be used wisely to allow equitable access for all users.

  4. The use of vulgar, suggestive, or otherwise inappropriate language won't be tolerated.

  5. It is a violation to share a password with anyone else.

  6. Engaging in activities that are pornographic or drug related will result in automatic termination of your network/Internet privileges.

  7. Suspension or expulsion may result from inappropriate use.

  8. The transmission of unwanted or inappropriate e-mails is considered harassment and will be dealt with as such.

  9. The use of the District's technology must not violate existing policies of the Pewaukee Public Schools.

  10. Chat lines, bulletin boards, forums, etc. may not be accessed by students without prior consent of a person monitoring Internet use.

Students will use District technology for appropriate educational purposes only. Improper uses of computers include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Changing, altering, bypassing, or attempting to bypass any computer security measures, including getting past any filtered sites.

  2. Downloading or installing applications on District devices.

  3. Attempting to hide files or activity on devices.

  4. Undermining, subverting, hacking or cracking the network or its computers.

  5. Destroying, defacing, or altering equipment.

  6. Deleting or modifying files not belonging to the student.

  7. Attempting to access any account belonging to other students, faculty or staff.

  8. Introduction or attempting to introduce malicious software such as viruses, Trojan software, spy ware, or other malicious software on to District owned devices, computers, or networks. Possession of malicous software items while at school, on the District network, or transferring to the District network will be considered a violation.

Any infraction of the above will result in a minimum two-week loss of Internet privileges with possible removal from all computer access and/or expulsion, and/or legal proceeding depending on the severity of the infraction.

Pewaukee Public Schools reserves the right to monitor all District technology use. The District also reserves the right to search Internet accounts accessed with school equipment without permission if it is felt that illegal or otherwise inappropriate use of technology is occurring. Improper use of District technology will result in fines, loss of network/Internet privileges, suspension, or expulsion as deemed appropriate. (Board of Education Policy #6500.09)


By signing this agreement, students and parents or guardians agree to:

    • Submit classroom or personal devices to school authorities upon request. Such a request may be made in order to ensure devices do not contain any unapproved software or files, as well as to check browser histories and caches.

    • Accept monitoring of student usage of the devices at any time, when requested by school personnel (teachers or administration). Students and parents need to be aware that files stored locally on school’s mobile devices or on school servers are not private.

    • Protect devices from damage and theft. If the school device is lost or stolen, it should be reported to a teacher or administrator immediately. Parents or guardians are financially responsible for any lost or stolen device that is not recovered in good working order by the authorities. (District Policy No. 3400.09)

    • If the damage is wanton, willful or purposeful, the parents or guardians will pay the full repair/replacement cost of the device and/or headset.

Student-owned iPods

Students will be allowed to use their own mobile devices only in approved classrooms. This privilege does not extend to other classes. When unapproved, students are required to leave electronic devices in their lockers. If a student wishes to use his/her own device, he/she must agree to the following terms:

  • The student is responsible for protecting his or her own mobile device. The District will not be held responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged personal devices.

    • The student accepts monitoring of usage of personal device at any time when requested by school personnel (teachers or administration). Students must remain on task and may only use applications that have been approved by the teacher (i.e.: Students may not use their own mobile devices to monitor their social media, listen to personal music, etc.). Please reference the technology code of conduct on page 35 of your student planner for further explanation.

    • The student agrees to download any necessary applications, music, videos or podcast that are required for the course. The teacher will provide updated lists of media and associated costs throughout the year. If the student does not wish to purchase necessary applications, he or she will be required to use a PSD device rather than his or her own.

In the event a student breaches any part of this Acceptable Use Agreement, there will be consequences imposed by the school per the iPod Student Expectations form. Each situation will be considered independently and consequences will range from a discussion about the rules and expectations regarding mobile usage usage, to a complete withdrawal of access to all computer technology. After reading the above-stated rules with your student, please sign the form below and return it to school.

User Agreement and Parent Permission Form

As a user of the PSD computer network and PSD mobile device, I hereby agree to comply with the above stated rules and responsibilities, while honoring all relevant laws and restrictions.

Student’s Name (PRINT) _____________________________________________________

Student’s Signature __________________________________________________________ Date______________

As the parent or legal guardian of the minor student signing above, I grant permission for the student named to access networked computer services and school computer hardware. I understand that I may be held liable for violations. I understand that some materials on the Internet may be objectionable, but I accept responsibility for guidance of Internet use – setting and conveying standards for the student named to follow when selecting, sharing, or exploring information and media.

Parent/Guardian Signature ____________________________________________________ Date______________