

As described by Google in their Overview of add-ons, Add-ons “add more functionality to your documents, spreadsheets, and forms, you can install add-ons, tools built by third-party developers for Google Docs, Forms, and the new version of Sheets. Once add-ons are installed, you can manage each one individually, and turn them on and off at any time.”1

What does rowCall do?

rowCall filters rows from your main Google Sheet by whatever column you select and then creates individual sheets for every unique cell in that column. This calls the rows out into their own space. If the automatic setting is enabled, any new entry or alteration to the main sheet, manual or form driven, will be fed to the individual sheets.

How to use rowCall

  1. Make sure the sheet you want to sort is either the only sheet in the spreadsheet or is to the left of all other sheets.

  2. Open the rowCall sidebar by going to AddOns > rowCall > Start.

  3. Choose the column to use. Each unique value in this column will generate a new sheet.

  4. Check whether your source sheet has column headers. That is, whether the first row contains labels for each column. By default, this is assumed to be true.

  5. Check whether to automatically update on changes to your sheet. If this is checked, any changes to your sheet will trigger updates to the generated sheets, as if you had pressed “Sort / Update”.

  6. Press “Sort / Update”. This will create new sheets based on the values in your selected column, and update those sheets if there have been any changes since the last time it was run.

Using rowCall

1"Overview of add-ons - Docs editors Help - Google Help." 2014. 24 Nov. 2014 <>