Teaching Materials

Selected Course Material

(Syllabi Found Here)

ECON 002: Introduction to Macroeconomics

TopHat Course Page with Textbook (enter as a Guest)

Discussion Activities

The Student Becomes the Teacher, AI becomes as a Student

Asking for an AI: Bouncing Ideas of a Chatbot

Virtual Econ Macro Game 1: Economic Pathways

Virtual Econ Macro Game 2: A Balancing Act

ECON 101: Statistics for Economics

A zip file containing the set of lab assignments I created for ECON 101. Unlike lab assignments derived directly from textbooks, I created prompts that guide students to data sources, explain how to input the data into Excel and then ask them to perform different analyses that align with topics in lecture.

ECON 107: Introduction to Econometrics I

The short answer portion of the midterm exam from Spring 2018. Since the pandemic, exams have been run through the learning management system (Blackboard, Canvas, etc.), but the nature of the questions remain similar to what they were when classes were in-person.

Lecture where I first introduce how to derive a regression/line-of-best fit (Fall 2021)

ECON 108: Introduction to Econometrics II

Midterm Exam Question that requires the use of ChatGPT

Final Exam Question that requires the use of ChatGPT

ECON 138: Economics of Financial Investments

Housing Investment Journey

Housing Data Analysis

Traditional Investment Journey

Traditional Investment Data Analysis