
This page contains data supporting Conjecture 5.1 in [2] which (reformulated) states the following:

Conjecture (Conj. 5.1 in [2]): For a permutation w=w1w2....wn in Sn, let Dw be the set of co-inversions Dw = { (i,j) | 1<= i < j <= n, wi < wj }. Then the number matq(n,Dw,r) of n-by-n rank r matrices A over Fq with forced zeros Aij if (i,j) is in Dw is of the form g(q)(q-1)r where g(q) is a polynomial with nonnegative integer coefficients.

This conjecture has been verified for:

UPDATE (July 2017): The polynomiality part of the conjecture is true but there is an example in n=10 that gives a polynomial g(q) with not all coefficients nonnegative [4] 


The files on this page include tables of lists. The format is lists of [w, f(q)] where f(q) is a polynomial in q: 

Tables of Poincaré polynomials Pw(q)=sum_(u>=w) qlen(u), for permutations u in the Strong Bruhat order.

Tables of matq(n,Rw,r)/(q 1)r , where matq(n,Rw,r) is the number of rank r matrices whose support avoids the Rothe diagram of w.

Tables of q-rook numbers Rn(n,LHw,,SE)= sum_(C) qinv(C,S,SE) where the sum is over placements of n-rooks on S and inv(C,S,SE) is the number of SE-inversions of C in S.

The data can be read in maple with the command  > read "filename.txt": 

Acknowledgements: We thank Franco Saliola for computation time on his FRQNT funded machine where part of this data came from.